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Lesbian Visibility Month: 5 Lesbian Singers You Should Start Listening Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

August is the month that we celebrate the lesbian visibility, specifically on the 29th. As much as Brazil has advanced in relation to the LGBTQI + community rights (as criminalizing homophobia), there is still a lot to be done, especially when it comes to the lesbian community, since lesbian women suffer both homophobia and sexism, not to mention other violences as class and race.

When we search data about death of lesbian women we find the “Dossier on Lesbocide in Brazil”. A research carried out by Milena Cristina Carneiro, Suane Felippe Soares and Maria Clara Dias for the Social Inclusion Center, associated with the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, is one of the most complete surveys found, but it refers to the years 2014 to 2017, which shows a deficit of information about this community.

The survey shows data such as the majority of cases of lesbocide that were caused by men (83%) and also that the majority were non-feminized women (54%), also the suicide rate (38%), data from 2017. From 2014 to 2017 there was an increase of 237% in the number of cases of deaths of lesbian women. 

To try to go against these numbers, we must pay attention to the cause, especially to women who fight for change in this scenario and show pride in their sexuality. One of the easiest ways is to listen to what they have to say, so we have separated a list of singers who fight for the cause of sexuality as well as other social movements, such as the black cause for example.

Bia Ferreira

Bia Ferreira is known for her protest songs to the black population, often reporting the inequalities and violence suffered by black people. One of her best known songs is “Cota Não É Esmola”. She dates the also singer Doralyce and together they sing the song “Sharamanayas”. The list of women below was indicated on Bia Ferreira’s Instagram profile (@igrejalesbiteriana).

Dandara Manoela

Dandara Manoela also makes songs that report social issues such as rape, domestic violence and the difficulties faced by black women. Dandara is a singer, songwriter and percussionist, with a strong and calm voice. The song I recommend is “Minha Prece”.

Taís Feijão

From Rio de Janeiro, Taís Feijão moves and mixes different musical styles such as Jazz, Pop, Soul, Funk, Samba, House and Forró. One of the songs I recommend from this singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist is “Rabo de Olho”. 

Ellen Oléria

Ellen Oléria has been a musician for more than 16 years. Among her styles are Jazz, Samba, Rock and Hip Hop, in addition to regional rhythms such as congado, afoxés and carimbó. She became nationally known after winning the first season of tv show The Voice Brasil. Ellen was also part of the presenters of the Estação Plural program. I recommend her song called “Afrofuturo”.


Mahmundi is a singer and composer and she brings to her style characteristics of electronic, lo-fi and indie music. Last May she released the album “Mundo Novo”. One of my favorite songs is “Calor do Amor”.

This list is dedicated to Luana Barbosa, a black lesbian woman from the brazilian periphery who was beaten by military police and died a few days later. One example of violence against black, lesbian and non-feminized women.


The article above was edited by Karen Oliveira and translated by Giovanna Favero.

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Silchya Rodrigues

Casper Libero '20

Hello! My name is Silchya Rodrigues and I am a journalism student at Faculdade Cásper Líbero. I am a militant of the black movement and have worked at the Africásper Collective for three years. I am interested in all matters.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.