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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Have you ever spent hours and hours on Pinterest planning your future? If you are like me and have a board there for everything, including a wedding that you don’t even know if it’s going to happen, then you will feel represented by Lotte (Yolanthe Cabau), the protagonist of Just Say Yes.

The new Netflix movie, released on April 2nd, is set in the Netherlands and follows Lotte’s life, a hopeless romantic woman who has her whole wedding planned. However, she gets her plans destroyed when Alex (Juvat Westendorp), her boyfriend and co-worker, suddenly breaks up with her in the middle of a live show at the television channel they work at. And, to make everything worse, the video of the live breakup goes viral and everyone around the internet is making fun of her.

The movie starts in the future, when she is completely messed up, wearing a dirty wedding dress and with both her make-up and hair ruined (later, we find out that she was hungover after her sister’s bachelorette party). She meets a man on a park bench and starts telling him everything that happened. That’s when the movie goes back to the past.

Warner Bros. Television
Trying to win back Alex, she accepts a proposal from Chris (Jim Bakkum), another co-worker. She would participate in his show (in which she would have to put herself under comical situations) and in return, he would give her a complete makeover so that her ex would notice her again. But what she didn’t imagine was that, after spending so much time on the show with Chris, she would actually fall for him and forget about her ex.

At some point, the producers tried to make something similar to the movie Bride Wars, but, instead of two best friends trying to destroy each other’s weddings, there was one sister (Lotte) trying to destroy the other’s (Estelle, played by Noortje Herlaar) after finding out she was cheated on by Alex and that Estelle knew everything but didn’t tell her. 

Now, let’s talk about the relationship between Lotte and Chris. I believe it was really rushed and could have had a deeper development. It wasn’t one of those couples that you fall madly in love with and hope will end up together from the start because everything happened so fast. I don’t want to give any more spoilers, so you will have to watch the movie to make your own conclusions.

Two women holding hands
Photo by Sarah Pflug from Burst/Shopify
Another thing to mention is the funny moments: when the movie switches to the future, with the comments made by the man in the park while Lotte tells her story or when she imagines herself freaking out and screaming at everyone, which is very relatable. Everyone at some point in their life experiences the kind of rage that just makes you want to scream at all the people around you, but you can’t because it would be very inappropriate if you did. 

Lotte’s story taught me that being a daydreamer sometimes requires changes of plans and that it has its ups and downs: your plans can either go well and become true, or they can fail. But, in the end, everything turns out alright and maybe even better than expected. She dreamed of marrying Alex, who she thought was perfect for her, but it didn’t go as planned. However, she ended up with someone much better than him and worthy of her.

Overall, it is a great movie that I recommend if you want something to watch and laugh at, especially if you also have your whole future planned in your mind like me and Lotte. Despite the lack of development in Lotte and Chris’s relationship, the laughter and the lessons brought by the film make it all worth it.


The article above was edited by Laura Okida.

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Milena Casaca

Casper Libero '24

Journalism student at Cásper Líbero. Bookworm, huge binge-watcher of any good tv show and cat lover.