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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

If you don’t have a lot of money to spend, don’t worry! You can still have fun and travel. All you have to do is be a good planner, and we will share some tips with you so you can master the art of cheap weekend trip planning!

Find a good date

Always think thoughtfully about the date you are going. The price can be lower on certain dates or even free, so before booking anything you should check if the destination has any favorable dates. That will help your pockets!

Go to places that are close by

You can save a lot of money by choosing to go somewhere near. Using your car or even public transportation can save a lot more money than going on a plane. You will probably spend more time to get to the place you want but you will have more to spend in the activities you have planed, maybe even buy some goodies for yourself.

Look for deals

Nowadays, the internet has everything and something you will always find are great deals and sales. Look for packages that have a better price for buying accommodation and transportation together, for example.

Decide a budget

If you have a budget it will be way easier to control your spendings and even save more money than needed. Make a spreadsheet to help you set goals for: transport, accommodation and activities. Having a budget will also guide you to look for things. If you have how much you want to spend in mind you can rule out the things that don’t fit in your pockets when planning your trip. A app that can help you with that is the Google Sheets, where you can make goals and keep track of your spendings through your own personalized spreadsheet.

Research in advance

Even though it’s a short trip the sooner you plan the better prices you get. Researching can be a boring thing to do but the more you look for the best destination and prices to compare the better and less stressful experience you will have. Use apps like pinterest to get ideas and try to at least once a week check the prices on the websites of your choice. Some websites that always have good offers are: airbnb, booking.com and kayak.

If yoou follow these tips, we are sure that you will find an amazing trip that is perfect for your budget.

happy, outgoing and a journalism student! for any contact: juliana.r.florido@gmail.com
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.