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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The beginning of a new year brings a mix of feelings. On one side, we can be happy and excited to take our dreams out of the paper and make them a reality. On the other side, sometimes we are anxious and lose the confidence to achieve our goals. And it’s perfectly normal. Everybody can be insecure sometimes, so it is important to develop the ability of controlling our emotions. All we need is balance (and self-love).

Here are some tips for you to boost your self-esteem and motivation in 2019.

1. Put it all on paper

Image Source: Pexels

If you have a lot of plans on your mind but don’t have the slightest idea on how to concretize them, I have good news. You can solve this problem only by having paper and pen in your hands. When you write what you’re thinking, you can visualize things in an easier way.

Try to establish the ways you can achieve your goals (what do you need to do for it?) and also a period of time for you to start and finish it. Trust me: organization is the secret of motivation.   

2. Have a hobby

Image Source: Pexels

Sometimes the journey to achieve your goals will be hard. You’ll feel disappointed and frustrated a lot of times, and it’s natural, we cannot control everything, even when we plan every single detail of our life. But what really matters is to not give up because of annoyances. Keep on trying. A good choice to lift the astral in these situations is to get a hobby, and dedicate your time to it, could be drawing, playing the piano, singing, reading or cooking. After all, everybody needs to breathe and take a break.  

3. Have contact with good stories

Image Source: Pexels

A good story can completely change our vision and perspective about life. It can be a book, a movie, a TV show or even inspirational experiences from someone you know. It will show you that everybody have hard times, but we are strong enough to overcome them. And it will also remember us that one day things will get better. That’s life – and it’s okay. By filling our lives with poetry we can get through everything.  

4. Pay attention to your relationships

Image Source: Pexels

Everybody needs a friend, it’s true. Mostly when we are afraid about the challenges expecting us in the future. But not necessarily every person in our lives is a good friend. There are people who bring us down constantly and make us doubtful about our own potential. If you have these types of “friends”, it’s time to rethink if you still want them close to you. The kind of people you need in your life are the ones who inspire you and emphasize how strong and incredible you are.

5. Social media can be dangerous

Image Source: Pexels

Networks are a sea of good and bad contents. It’s difficult to find the backstage of people’s lives, since it seems there are only posts of travels, beautiful people, successful jobs and good relationships. That is, people only share the best part of their lives. They hardly publish their difficulties, sadness, insecurities and hard moments. That makes us think that everybody’s life is perfect – and that only our lives aren’t. So try to follow people and see contents that will motivate you. There are lots of people who show life closer than it really is.

Good luck – and don’t forget that the world is yours!

a heart moved by art
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.