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Get to know Darkside, the publisher responsible for the most beautiful examples of horror and true crime

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

DarkSide Publisher is a Brazilian publishing house focused on releases in horror, suspense, dark fantasy, and True Crime. Founded in 2012, it has gained recognition for its unique approach to book publishing, providing high-quality editions with striking covers and illustrations.

Founded by Christiano Menezes and Chico de Assis, it was the first publishing house in Brazil exclusively dedicated to the horror genre. The partners, who met in the music and digital photography market, adopted the motto “Bet on the dark”, focusing on books in the fantasy, science fiction, and horror genres, as well as promoting national and international authors in these genres. Today, 11 years later, DarkSide is a phenomenon in the Brazilian market. The publisher already has a hundred books published, with at least nine distinct editorial lines, segmented by subject and audience.

One of its trademarks is its exceptional graphic work, which turns every book into a work of art, and it is certainly one of the reasons for the publisher’s success. The books feature striking covers: they are crafted with carefully thought-out details, vivid illustrations, and designs that capture the readers’ attention. Many of them are so impressive that they become collector’s items on their own. Additionally, the publisher uses high-quality paper in its editions, providing a distinctive reading experience.

In summary, DarkSide’s graphic work is one of the main factors that set it apart in the Brazilian publishing market. Its unique aesthetic approach helps establish an emotional connection between readers and books, making each publication a memorable visual and literary experience.

Another notable aspect of the publisher is its commitment to creating unique literary experiences. It often releases limited editions and thematic series, providing readers with the opportunity to dive even deeper into their favorite literature universes and encouraging fans to collect these books.

In the Brazilian literary landscape, DarkSide represents not only a publishing house but also a community of passionate readers who find a gateway to mysterious and fascinating worlds in its publications. 

Are you interested? Get to know some of the brand’s best-sellers:

Ed & Lorraine Warren: Demonologistas – Gerald Brittle

In this book, the author unveils some of the main real-life cases experienced by the Warrens. Ed and Lorraine granted the author exclusive access to their supernatural files, which include extraordinary accounts of poltergeists, haunted houses, and demonic possessions. The result is a book rich in details like no other.

A Pequena Sereia e o Reino das Ilusões – Louise O’ Neill

Here, Hans Christian Andersen’s original story, along with its colorful and amiable cartoon adaptations, is reimagined through feminist lenses and set in an aquatic world where women are silenced daily. It is a world not so different from the society we live in.

O Colecionador – John Fowles

The book is told from two perspectives: the story of Frederick Clegg, a lonely man who believes he has found the love of his life. And Miranda Gray, a young art student kidnapped by a maniac who thinks he can make her fall in love with him.

Drácula – Bram Stoker

A classic in the world of horror that still runs hot in the veins of countless generations of readers worldwide and the most celebrated vampire narrative, it continues to transcend the boundaries of time, space, history, and memory.

Serial Killers: Made In Brazil – Ilana Casoy

The author dedicated herself to rigorous research to investigate Brazilian serial killers. Five years of research, visits to public archives, asylums, and penitentiaries, and face-to-face interviews with embodiments of evil in Brazilian lands were carried out to compose a disturbing script with investigative rigor on how, why, and by what methods Brazilian serial killers operate. In Made in Brazil, Casoy recounts seven cases of Brazilian serial killers, three of whom she interviewed in person.


The article above was edited by Clarissa Palácio.

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Giovanna Oliveira

Casper Libero '25

22 years old. Advertising student at Casper Libero. Passionate about books and travelling. Events producer at HC since aug'22.