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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Gardening can lead you to a more sustainable, healthy and even less expensive lifestyle. With the coronavirus pandemic and we having to stay home in self isolation, you now have more than enough time to start your new green journey. Here are some tips that will help you:

What a plant needs?

Before choosing what type of plants you want, make sure that the place you choose to start your garden and also the time of the year will suit the plant’s requirements. 

What a plant needs to survive is: the sun, water, nutrients and good soil. The quantity and quality of those will only depend on the type that you choose to grow. So research is key to having happy greens!

Essential equipment

Whether you are making a small or big garden, there are some necessary “beginners tools” that are indicated to have a successful experience. Start out buying a container (the size you want), a watering can, a small trowel and potting soil. 

Let’s not forget that we are isolated so online shopping only! 

Buying the plants

After you did your research and bought the essential tools. Now it is time to get the actual plants (also online please) and you have the option of getting seeds or small starter plants. 

If you are planting vegetables and flowers, the more affordable and easier way to go is with seeds. But it does take patience and daily care (like any other living thing).

Also start with easy plants and move on to greater challenges as you acquire more gardening knowledge along the way.

Be organized!

The biggest fear of a plant is a forgetful owner. Keep reminders on your phone, a calendar or a small journal that keeps track of your tasks. The only way gardening will be worth your while is if you make proper maintenance daily.

There is always something to learn

Now that you have figured out the basics of how to start your garden in quarantine, you have to always remember that every plant is different so make sure to learn more about it before buying and planting. 


The more you learn, the closer you get to having one of those Pinterest gardens!


The article above was edited by Thays Avila.

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happy, outgoing and a journalism student! for any contact: juliana.r.florido@gmail.com
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.