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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Growing up isn’t always easy, and sometimes we need a helping hand to remind us about what’s really important in life. That’s what Disney’s new live-action Christopher Robin is all about.

In this new Winnie the Pooh story, Christopher Robin (Ewan McGregor) has grown up. At the beginning of the movie, we catch up with him saying goodbye to the charming Hundred Acres Wood and to all his friends that live there, when he is giving his first steps into adulthood, going to a boarding school. He tells Pooh that he is never gonna be forgotten, but throughout a series of events Christopher turns into a dull adult that has no contact with his interior child.

Trying to put life his back on tracks after the Second World War, he is always working like crazy to a company that makes suitcases. Having no time to spend with his wife Evelyn (Hayley Atwell) and his daughter Madeline (Bronte Carmichael), he is now completely distant from the happy child that used to have fun with Pooh and the rest of his gang.

Christopher Robin and his family. Source: IMDb

Pooh is still patiently waiting for his return. From severe winters to hot summers, we see the Hundred Acres Wood loose all its bright colors and enchantment, as Christopher gets more and more distant from there, but Pooh never loses sight of what really matters: the small things.

Everything changes when Christopher reencounters Pooh (voiced by Jim Cummings), after the bear goes to London to seek for Christopher’s help when he is not able to find Tigger (Chris O’Dowd), Eeroye (Brad Garett), Owl (Toby Jones), Piglet (Nick Mohammed), Rabbit (Peter Capaldi) and Kanga (Sophie Okonedo) at the Hundred Acres Wood. Having to give Pooh a helping hand all the memories of the fantastic things they did when they actually did nothing get back alive.

Christoper Robin and Pooh. Source: IMDb

Throughout his journey, Christopher learns valuable lessons about how much family and friends are important, recovering his identity and finding a balance between the racional and the emocional that’s found within.

Winnie the Pooh has been a part of most people childhoods, with movies like The Many Adventures Of Winnie The Pooh (1977), The Tigger Movie (2000) or Piglet’s Big Movie (2003), and it is safe to say that the 2018 live-action reacends not only Christopher Robin’s inner child, giving life to the sweet memories of everyone that goes see it in the theaters.

“Doing nothing often leads to the very best kind of something.”

Winnie the Pooh

A Cásper Libero's student who loves Disney, music, books, ice-cream and writing.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.