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Back to College: Organizing Tips to Improve Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The beginning of a new year is the period when students start to think about organization. Planning is the best way to ensure all the things you want will happen. Some prefer to use planners, others are adept to the calendar of the cell phone and there are the ones who don’t know how to manage their times and want some advice.   

Claudia Assis, systemic integral master coach, explains that there are five steps that can help you to fulfill your goals: identify your obligations; prioritize what is more important in that moment; adopt a new habit; organize what you need to do and, then, solve your problems. Following this tips, your chances of having a better performance will increase.

A very usual situation is starting a new school grade as a very organized person but, as the months go by, people “relax” a little (or too much) – and almost everybody that have already done this haven’t had good experiences.

“You need to check what are you doing wrong: if the problem is procrastination or if you are prioritizing the less important tasks”, explains Claudia. “Using ‘Kanban’ is a very welcome alternative to avoid that”.

Claudia Assis’ Kanban

The main columns in Kanban are “done activities”, “activities to do”, “today/ tomorrow/ weekly activities”.  You can put that on the wall and use post-its to move your notes through the columns. It’s practice, visual and make it absolutely clear in the column of things to do if the list is big or small.

Now, Fernanda Yoshizato, Mariane Reghin and Maíra Ribeiro, students of Cásper Líbero University, share with Her Campus their tricks to maintain their schedule organized. Check it out:

Fernanda Yoshizato’s tips

Fernanda, who studies Publicity and Advertising in Cásper Líbero University, told us she buys a daily schedule every year. “I note everything there: tests, college works and my internship appointments. At home I use a calendar, but daily schedules save me a lot because I can take it to every place I go” told.

The main Fernanda’s tip is: don’t take notes only at one place, because sometimes it can not work. For and example, she uses her daily schedule, the cell phone’s calendar with reminders and also take notes.

“In classes and meetings I note everything in a paper, and in my house I write it out in an organized way, putting themes and deadlines”.

Picture: Pinterest

Maíra Ribeiro’s tips

Maíra Ribeiro, a sophomore Journalism student at Cásper Líbero University. Told us her main tip of organization is: always have a place where you can note what you need. “I use a basic notebook and it perfectly works for me. But you can choose a diary planner, your cell phone, a notebook or whatever you want”, tells.

Maíra explains she writes things in priority order, according to its deadlines. By doing that, you can plan your week and have a notion of the period you have to do that.

“I suggest people not to trust their minds. We forget things as the days go by – and it includes that activity you will take days to finish”, advices Maira. “When you write, you register what you need and have the notebook to check if you forget something”.

Picture: Jess Vieira

Mariane Reghin’s tips

Another student of Journalism in Casper Líbero University, Mariane Reghin is also used to note every appointment she has. “I use the Google Calendar. It’s easy and more practical than a manual diary planner. The app has a colorful and funny layout and its reminders don’t let me forget my appointments”, says Mariane. “I like to take notes on my cell phone notes. Although, I don’t dispense the old and good paper. I have a physical agenda to resort if my cell phone stops working”.

Mariane has also given some advices of what you shouldn’t do: avoid procrastination on cell phone or social networks; keep focused; it’s important to maintain the spatial order (room, study material, work table, etc), and your physical and mental health. Working out and having healthy food habits are good options on that. “Applying this changes in my life helps me to keep organized in studies. But you need to try a lot of organization methods and decide what is better for your lifestyle and your needs”.

Google Calendar

Following these advices, your chances of success on organization will certainly increase!

a heart moved by art
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.