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#7 Things I’ll miss (or not) about my first year at college

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Getting into college is crazy. It provoques a bunch of mixed feelings. It’s a scary phase waiting to be unveiled. As time went on, we slowly started to adjust to our new lives as college students. We made friends, joined clubs, and got our very first taste of the extreme stress that real life brings. I had breakdowns, I laughed until I cried, and more importantly, I made memories that I’ll never forget. I lived intensely as a freshman and enjoyed every moment of it. 

So as this semester comes to an end, I’ll take a minute to reflect on this past year, and all of the good –  and bad – times that I’ve had. Here are 7 things I’ll miss (or not) about this experience:

First Day

First days are always the same: the butterflies in the stomach, the fear of judgment or not making friends, and a wide perspective of new things on the horizon. 

My high school and preparatory course were at the same building as Cásper Líbero, but when I looked at the staircase of Gazeta as a college student, it hit different. It felt like a new chapter in my story. I couldn’t believe I’d gotten in. This is a feeling I’ll remember for the rest of my life, the pride that I felt.

Exploring the building at the “Integration week”, not knowing where anything is

As soon as you talk to any veteran, they refer to the university building as “Hogwarts”. If you have seen any Harry Potter films then you know how hard it’s to find yourself inside the castle. Casper’s facility is something like that. With a lot of nooks and crannies, it can be easy to get lost. I can’t say how many times I went to the wrong staircase and got lost. When I got savvy at the shortcuts, it became really cool to take different ways to classes.

My first “Cervejada dos bixos”

Casper’s first party is called “Cervejada dos bixos”, which is made especially to welcome the freshmen. I sure was happy going to actual college, attending classes, but it was at this party that I felt like a “casperiana” for real. 

It’s such a good vibe, everyone is happy and interactive. It was the moment that I actually celebrated getting into the university that I wanted at the course that I wanted!

My group of friends

Once the uncomfortable period of getting to know people was over and I had failed a few times at finding my place, I met my group of friends. The saying “It was worth the wait” could never be more true. Those girls are what makes college worth it. Sure, I like the course, but sharing things you like with people you love is much better. I wish everyone could have the luck I had to find people I get along so well with. 

You might ask why am I saying that I’ll miss my friend group. I know (or I hope so) that we’ll still be friends next year but life gives different paths for each and everyone of us and we’ll never be as close as we are now, because we can spend as much time as we want with each other, which leads me to my next topic…

Having to learn how to study all over again

If you come straight from high school or if you took the preparatory course, the study was focused on passing the university entrance exams. It’s a lot of cramming and memorizing. At college, the point is totally different. It’s more about understanding the concept and applying it. You’re learning your profession, how you’ll work, For that matter, you need to really understand what you’ve seen. 

And let me make something clear: that’s not easy at all, and maybe this is something that I won’t necessarily miss, since the first year is full of fun experiences and this isn’t really one of them. There have been times where I found myself thinking I was stupid or that I couldn’t pass even from the first year, but the key is to be patient with yourself. 

I asked for help from my friends and from people that I knew had understood the subject, scrutinized and tested different ways to study. I still haven’t found the way I function better, but I certainly don’t feel stupid anymore.

Liking every class

When we first start, every class has its magic. We are so excited to be doing the course that we want that everything feels amazingly interesting. As the year passed, I got to know the professors and their conduct better and it made me like some better than others. All that we have in the first year is essential to understand the market that we’re craving but there will be some you identify with more.

It’s normal to have favorites as the time passes by and it’s one of the best feelings to notice that a teacher that you like, enjoys your work. It’s a feeling that you’re doing things right.

Spare time

Most people in their first year in college don’t work, I’m one of those people. Not working gave me time to really apply myself at classes and the papers or projects. Not just that, it gave me really nice and memorable moments with my friends. Having lunch in different places, playing our favorite games in cafes… I really want (and need) to get a job next year but it kind of makes me sad not being able to have those moments together anymore. 

If I can give you a piece of advice: enjoy being a freshman. It’s a time like no other in your life. Take in as much as you can and know that, even if not everything is easy, there will be many memorable times that you will never forget!

👯‍♀️ Related: Why I Had A Harder Time Focusing On School In 2022 After Two Years Of Online Classes


The article above was written by Luiza Pojar and edited by Amanda Moraes. Liked this type of content? Check out Her Campus Cásper Líbero home page for more!

Luiza Pojar

Casper Libero '25

Always trying to take the best from life. Sometimes you can't do as much as you would like for people or the world, so write about them :)