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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

2020 brought us the pandemic and, because many people were working from home, they decided not to buy a planner. But the home office doesn’t mean you don’t have appointments, tasks, or deadlines — quite the opposite! Working from home can be very challenging, since you need to organize your time to conciliate your job, your domestic tasks, your family time, etc. With that in mind, here are some reasons you should invest in a planner in 2021:

Focus on what (really) matters

We all know how frustrating it is when we spend the whole day on a task that turns out not to be that urgent, instead of dealing with more important things.

A planner allows you to write down all your tasks and organize them in dates. It makes it easier to visualize what is important, what is urgent, and what isn’t either of them. This way, you can identify your priorities and focus on what really matters, without wasting your time.

Cope with anxiety

A planner makes it easier for you to see all your appointments and tasks, as well as deadlines. There are many layouts available, but the most common ones have monthly and weekly displays. You can visualize everything you have to do, and when they’re due. This avoids that overwhelming feeling of keeping everything in your head.

A planner allows you to write things down, so you don’t have to make an effort to remember everything. If you — like me — are an anxious person, this will help you cope with anxiety, because you know everything you need to remember is in your planner.

Save time

Once you’ve got everything planned out in your planner, you realize you have much more free time than you thought. Visualizing your appointments will help you relocate them so that you optimize your day and avoid wasting time on unnecessary stuff.

Be more productive

A planner allows you to get things out of your head and into the paper. This way, you don’t need to spend time worrying about forgetting important tasks, which allows you to focus and be more productive.

Find time for yourself

As said in #3, a planner makes you realize you have more free time than you had thought. Why not dedicate some of this time to focus on you? Schedule specific moments for your self-care — sleep an extra hour, read a chapter of a book or meditate for 15 minutes. Plus, adding self-care to your planner like you would do with any other appointment will make you take it more seriously. You deserve it!

Never be late again

You know when you schedule your dentist appointment right after your yoga class, without considering the time you’ll spend in traffic to get there? Yeah, that happens to me too.

Your planner is the perfect space for you to write everything down — including the time you’ll spend in traffic. This way, you’ll never be late again.

Have fun!

Having a planner is so much fun! You can use your favorite stationary, doodle, and even add pictures of your favorite moments. It is your space, and you can decorate it however you want. It helps you to relax while you plan your time.


The article above was edited by Helena Leite.

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I’m a writer and Journalism student at Cásper Líbero. Besides writing and reading, I’m fascinated by culture, arts and wellness.