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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Podcasts are getting more and more popular when it comes to entertainment. This not so recent way of consuming content has grown a lot in the past few years once big platforms started to embrace it. One of the things that can explain this success is the diversity of podcasts when it comes to topics and genres. There are podcasts about politics, humour and so it goes. Check out 7 Brazilian podcasts that you should listen to!


This podcast is one of the most famous in Brazil and has slowly created its large fanbase with weekly episodes. Juliana Wallauer and Cris Bartis talk about several topics related to politics, society and culture with a touch of journalism. They always provide a rich conversation once they bring specialists to discuss with them. The episodes normally last between one to two hours and are totally worth listening to.


“Olhares” represents a feminist project in form of podcast. Its name, that means “points of views”, translate its mission to provide new points of view about women and their stories. With episodes lasting one hour each, the podcast is a great choice to get in touch with topics such as politics, affirmative actions and culture with different opinions. 

Respondendo em Voz Alta

If you are looking for something not serious at all that distracts you, “Respondendo em Voz Alta” is perfect for you. Laurinha Lero (presenter’s fictitious name) receives audios questions from listeners and respond them in each episode according to its theme. The duration of these episodes may vary between 20 minutes to 1 hour. Her responses doesn’t always makes sense, but are for sure entertaining.

Durma com essa

For the ones who enjoy news podcasts, “Durma com essa” is one of the bests. It is a digital newspaper from the brazilian Nexo Jornal. From monday to thursday, it provides explanations and analysis from some interesting news of the day in 10 minutes. On fridays, the journalists gather these news into week extracts.

Bobagens Imperdíveis

This podcast, presented by the writer Aline Valek, is perfect for curious minds. In each episode, you can listen to a short story about a interesting topic in 15 minutes. Aline addresses art, communication, history, and others. “Bobagens Imperdíveis” is a great way to learn something new in a easy and interesting way.

História Preta

If you are interested in history and more specifically in black history, you should start listening “História Preta”. With the description of Thiago André, the 15 to 30 minutes episodes bring to the surface the historical memory of black people and discuss how it is reflected nowadays. 

História de Ninar para Garotas Rebeldes

Have you ever listened to a book instead of reading it? The “História de Ninar para Garotas Rebeldes” podcast provides this experience and goes beyond an audiobook. The best-seller with the same title written by Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo tells the stories of women in history that inspire us until today. In the podcast, each episode is one of these stories and is narrated by a different woman. JoutJout and Karen Jonz were two of the many guests narrators. This kind of dynamic is capable of creating a certain bond between the stories and the listeners.

Karen Oliveira

Casper Libero '22

A curious mind always trying to learn something new. Karen is passionate about languages, music and culture. She is now studying Jornalism at Cásper Líbero in order to achieve her best self as a writer.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.