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#6 YouTube Channels You Should Watch If You Want To Learn More About Politics

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Because of all that has happened in the past year, it has become clearer than ever how important it is to acknowledge what is happening in the world. With that in mind, it is normal to feel a little overwhelmed by the enormous amount of information daily. If you are looking for an easy and fun way to learn about politics, check out some of these YouTube Channels. 


With over 9 million subscribers, Vox is an American Youtube Channel that focuses on providing information about the most relevant topics to the global scenario. Basically, its mission is to make the viewer truly understand what is happening. The videos are usually uploaded twice a week and can cover a variety of subjects, from random topics to the freshest news and historical overviews. What makes the result so easy to understand is the dynamic strategy applied to address everything, frequently with the use of compelling animations and overviews. Vox also has its own website, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter accounts, as well as a few podcasts, all available on the most popular streaming services.


This out-of-the-box channel proves that being political means talking about multiple aspects of life. The videos are worth watching not only because of their main themes, but also for the creative way they are presented — with amazing design sets, costumes, and a darkly humorous tone. The behind-the-scenes preparation requires a lot of work, as well as the performance by the creator Natalie Wynn, a transgender woman that is not afraid to show her opinions in a smart and well-constructed way. She criticizes common conservative, sexist, alt-right, and fascist talking viewpoints. 

Bloomberg Quicktake

The Bloomberg Quicktake channel has over 3 million subscribers and a large number of videos. Its coverage is various and can address many spectrums, from career goals to social issues. Everything that is uploaded comes to make this new generation of natural leaders, who have a much-needed awareness of what is happening in the world, alongside their own beliefs and personalities. Those who do not want to spend several minutes on YouTube should also try out Bloomberg Quicktake: Now, a partner channel that covers daily global political events, with simpler and quicker videos. 

VisualPolitik (EN)

Initially a Spanish YouTube Channel about global politics, VisualPolitik has also received its English version, which made it easier for watchers around the world to keep an eye on its content. Its focal point is to introduce all the reasons and history that led to the current political scenario. Therefore, it is definitely a great option for those who still feel a little bit lost and confused about how things got where they did, or simply want to have a deeper comprehension of the facts. 

Gabriela Prioli

Gabriela Prioli is a Brazilian lawyer, also known for hosting a talk show about multiple topics, many from the political spectrum, called CNN Tonight. She started making videos for YouTube in 2020 when her television career took off. Prioli’s approach has different ranges, often focusing on explanations of the subject, but sometimes also including her personal opinion on the matter. The aim is to make Brazilian society more aware of political events and also of relevant legal perspectives, adding a more casual and welcoming tone. Her substance is always complete due to the notorious and well-informed guests who frequently participate. 

Emmanuel Acho

By presenting a series called “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man“, Emmanuel intends to break down barriers, because some dialogues have never happened. His main goal is to help educate others, especially white people, about racism, social injustice, and what life is like for African Americans. It is said to be a safe place for any type of questions from anyone interested in learning. He started the YouTube Channel in June of 2020 when many protests took place in the United States and racial issues got worldwide attention.  


The article above was edited by Giulia Lozano Pacini.

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Daniela Soares

Casper Libero '23

Desde sempre apaixonada por comunicação e pelo poder da palavra. Sonhadora, inquieta e amante de poesia.