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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

The practice of home office is not a weird habit for a lot of people around the world, but, specifically, for people that works in big companies like banks and technology companies. Nowadays, with the – sad and worrisome – pandemic of COVID-19, more companies adopted these practices and some employees that used to work at home, are having problems. 

Well, what problems? We are at home! The kids want to play all day, the dog wants attention, we need to cook our food because we can’t hang out to eat, our roommate are having a call in the same room and this is annoying you. So, first: breathe!

Here are a list of 5 tips to work at home in quarantine:   

Create a routine 

For you, for the kids and for everybody that lives with you: when you create a routine like wake up 8h o’clock, take a shower, wear happy clothes and start doing your things like study or work, you avoid being unproductive or lazy.

For your kids, do the same. Time to wake up, to play, to study, to eat. Create a routine is important to live well with people that live in the same house of you.

Stretch out

At this moment, you are helping your physical and mental health. You could invite your kids to make part of this moment! What do you think?

Hydrate yourself

Your body needs to be taken care of. So, drink, at least, 2 liters of water per day. This will help you to stay healthy and willing.

Hydrate your kids too! Even though they are energetic little people, it is important that they hydrate themselves to stay healthy.

Meetings? Re-thinking! 

We are away from each other. This could implicate a lot of meetings during the day or even long meetings. Be objective and rethink the necessity of so many meetings. Some things could be resolved by one email.

Have fun

It is a important moment to stay at home even if it is Friday, Saturday or Sunday, for example. So, play games with your kids and family, watch a movie on Netflix, watch a live performance of your favorite singer, read a book and enjoy this moment. 

Everything will be past soon. We just need to take care of us and stay at home!



The article above was edited by Laura Ferrazzano.

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Nathália Vicentin

Casper Libero '20

I'm 21, public relations student and passionate about social responsibility and positive social impact
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.