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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

If you’re tired of watching series and all the items of your list of “movies to watch” have already been checked? Today is your lucky day: we ranked 5 documentaries you need to watch, perfect for that lazy Sunday afternoon, or those rainy days when you’ve run out of options. All of the films can be found on Netflix’s catalog, so put your popcorn in the microwave and check it out!

1. She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry (2014)

Image Source: GIPHY

American filmmaker Mary Dore gives voice to the women responsible for making the second wave of feminism happen in the US, from late 60’s to early 70’s. This outrageous documentary reveals the movement’s internal contradictions over race, sexual preference and leadership, being therefore a non romanticized narrative about the topic.

Even though it seems to refer to a very specific context, the film is based on interviews with activists leaders who talk about subjects yet very relevant for the 21st century women.

She’s Beautiful When She’s Angry is an essential requisite for people who are both beginners or already familiar with feminism, as it highlights the value of knowing the history and work of our pioneers.

2. Blackfish (2013)

Image Source: GIPHY

After watching this film, I bet you’ll hardly spend your money at any of the SeaWorld’s theme parks. Without any effort to spare the public of images and files to prove her arguments, director-producer Gabriela Cowperthwaite tells the story of Tilikum, a performative killer whale who developed high levels of stress after spending most of its life restricted to an aquarium, and because of that, ended up killing some of it’s coaches.

This documentary will make you question yourself about your relationship with nature and the limits to hold animals captive as an entertainment for humans.

3. Cowspiracy (2014)

Image Source: GIPHY

Independently produced by filmmakers Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, Cowspiracy criticizes the animal agricultural industry and how it could be the number one factor contributing in our planet’s environmental issues. Besides that, the duo also investigates the reasons why some of the world’s most famous environmental organizations shy away when it comes to the subject.

The film is an eye-opening documentary that brings questions such as ethics and activism to the table, revealing vegetarianism and the fight for animal’s rights are just a collateral damage of a trail guided by the pursuit of sustainability.

4. The Mask You Live In (2015)

Image Source: GIPHY

The Mask You Live In is the “must watch” documentary every boy or young man should consider watching before turning 18 (and even after). The film, which was directed by a woman, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, tries – and succeeds – to discuss the impositions of society on man behavior, and how this fake idea of masculinity could be extremely harmful for both man and women. Other important covered topics are the solidarity among man and the hierarchy male individuals are taught to exercise over women.

As we can find in the film’s own project site, The Mask You Live In “illustrates how we, as a society, can raise a healthier generation of boys and young men”, destroying everything we’ve ever known of what’s like to be a man.

5. Human (2015)

Image Source: GIPHY

Human is a politically engaged film that will make you think about the meaning of life and all human conditions through a compilation of stories of people from all around the world. The documentary was produced to answer the questions of director Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who spent nearly 40 years photographing our planet and it’s human diversity, and felt that “humanity wasn’t making any progress”.

According to what Yann tries to show us in the film, the solutions for his doubts couldn’t be found in statistics or analysis, but in man himself. Knowing about that, why not take a time to listen to the breath taking narrative of all those incredible human beings portrayed in the film?

Nayara Bardin

Casper Libero '21

Hi, I’m Nayara and I love music, books, poetry, feminism, astrology and everything related with the stars and the universe! My biggest dream is to travel around the world and write about the different places and people I might find in the journey!
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.