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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

It’s common to hear that we all look stylish during mid-seasons, but if you’re like me, a person who just wants to stay warm, no matter how, it’s difficult to look charming, isn’t it? That’s why I brought you some ideas to tie your scarf and look stunning. For those who are more visual and need to see it in action, there is also some DIYs images. Take a look!

How to tie your scarf

#1 The Knot

Image Source: Pinterest 

Are you wearing a basic t-shirt with jeans pants and want to add some style on it? You should definitely try “The Knot” to tie your scarf, it looks confy and stylish.

#2 Blanket-cape

Image Source: Merrick’s Art

A scarf doesn’t always have to go around your neck! This one works almost like a blanket, but it looks like a cape. It’s easy and super charming. You just have to match with your favorite belt.

#3 The Barcelona

Image Source: Scarves

This one is a perfect choice for a day when you don’t have enough time but still want to pull off a stylish look. It looks more simple than the others, but it’s cozy and charming as well.

#4 Infinity Scarf

Image Source: Merrick’s Art

Why would you buy a collar scarf when you can easily do one at home? The infinity scarf it’s super cute and also protects your neck from the wind. It’s nice to have two pieces of clothing in only one!

Now you just have to get the scarves out of the wardrobe!

Gabriella Caruso

Casper Libero '18

Advertising professional working in digital marketing. Concerts, motorsport, fashion and dogs a few of my favorite things.
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.