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3 Books Read By Rory Gilmore That Are a Must For Book Lovers

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Rory Gilmore is a true book lover. In every single episode of the TV series, she has a book in her hands. If you also love books and don’t have the slightest idea of who I’m talking about, stop wasting your time and watch this wonderful TV show, Gilmore Girls. Besides being a great literature guide, it’s very funny, catchy and inspirational.

Here are some of the books Rory has read – and so should you!

1. The Diary of Anne Frank, Anne Frank

Image Source: iTunes – Apple 

This book is one of the classics of the 20th century literature. It’s the diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish and German little girl who lived in the Netherlands during World War II. She had to stay in a very small place with her family and friends to hide from the Nazis, from 1942 until the day of her death, in 1945. During all that time, she registered her feelings and the events that happened in that place in her diary. It’s a very sad story, but it must be read so that people won’t forget what happened in the past – and won’t let something horrible like that happen again.

2. Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury

Image Source: Amazon

Can you imagine a society in which people are not allowed to read books? That’s what Fahrenheit 451 talks about. Ray Bradbury presents a very authoritarian state in which firemen don’t put out the fire, but burn books and their owners. The government’s main argument to do it is that “books take the happiness out of good citizens because it makes them think too much”. Although it looks far for reality, this story shows something that can be very common in real life. Books can bring reflections that tend to make people distrust or even challenge the government – and that is all an authoritarian state does not want.

3. One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel García Marquez

Image Source: Amazon

Gabriel García Marquez had the capacity to do something very rare to see: to put the ability of a poet and the objectivity of a journalist in his books. Actually, he was both, since besides writing books, he was a reporter. One Hundred Years of Solitude is one of the most famous books of Gabo (the way García Marquez was affectionately known). It’s about a fictional city named Macondo, whose founder was José Arcadio Buendia. The book tells the story of Buendia’s family, passing through different generations. In my opinion, everybody in the world should read this masterpiece.

From now on, you have two missions: read these books and watch Rory Gilmore’s TV show, Gilmore Girls. By doing so, you can choose other books she has read for you to do the same – besides having fun with the jokes between Rory and her mother, Lorelai Gilmore, of course!

a heart moved by art
Giovanna Pascucci

Casper Libero '22

Estudante de Relações Públicas na Faculdade Cásper Líbero que ama animais e falar sobre séries.