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20 Signs that You’re the Slytherin of Your Group of Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

All Harry Potter fans (and even people who are not fans) find themselves after taking the Pottermore Housing test staring at screen and wondering “what the hell? on their results. I have been there too. After a few reading – and retaking five more times the test, which gave me the same result over and over – I resigned to the fact that yes, I was a Slytherin, even though I had bought this cute Ravenclaw scarf in Universal Studios. Turns out we will have to pass our lives explaining to people that Slytherins are not mean and that Gryffindor is not that cool, but we are still awesome. 

1. You heard more times than you can count that you’re ambitious (sometimes as good thing, other as a bad)

2. You hate wasting time with nonsense and whining

3. Your trademark is an eye-roll or a pout

4. Resourcefulness is your middle name

5. You either find things fascinating, boring or a waste of time

6. Even if you don’t like the event, you can always find a way to navigate the social scenario and get what you want

7. You use knowledge in order to achieve your goals

8. You have lifetime friends and always have their back, no matter what

9. You are very protective about your family

10.You actually care about things, although you put a great show in pretending you don’t

11. You are competitive af

12. Leadership is your thing

13. You are incredibly opinionated

14. Behind the moody facade, lies a very caring individual

15. You have being told that you’re intense and intimidating

16. You take your responsibilities very seriously

17. You hold a grudge better than any other people you know

18. And you just love when people take you for granted, because you use that as fuel 

19. Sometimes you are told to stop being judgmental 

20. But you are still very proud to be a Slytherin

(sorry not sorry)

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Alana Claro

Casper Libero '17

Alana is a Senior in Cásper Líbero University, majoring in Journalism. She is President of Casper Libero's Chapter and an intern in a Corporate Communications firm. Born and raised in Sao Paulo, where she speaks Portuguese, although English is her ever-lasting love. Alana is a proud Slytherin and INTJ.