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Campus Cutie: Molly Phlips

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Case chapter.

Today’s campus cutie definitley lives up to the definition of a “cutie”, Miss Molly Phlips! Molly is a sophomore who truly examplifies what it means to be a caring and sincere person to everyone.

Name: Molly Phlips

Age: 19

Majors and Minor: Finance, but I’m looking to combine that with another major. I want to make my own, called Information Systems.

Hometown: Brugge, Belgium. But I’ve also lived in Cologne, Germany and Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Involvement on Campus: Class Officer Collective, Alpha Kappa Psi

Relationship Status: Single

Interests: Traveling, Drawing, Make up, Working out, Playing the violin and piano, Brunching with friends, and Church

Dream Job: Head designer of Chanel (or Dior)

Top 3 on Bucket List: Visit every continent, Help save a life, and Start my own business

Top 3 Movies: Anna Karenina, The King’s Speech, and Death at a Funeral

Spirit Animal: Lioness

Woman Crush: All my friends! They are all so beautiful!!

Man Crush: Matt Bomer

Biggest role model and why? My grandpa. He showed me how far you can get with a little bit of intelligence, ambition, and a kind heart.

Favourite quote? “I believe in pink. I believe laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in being strong when everythign seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day. And I believe in miracles.” – Audrey Hepburn

Something most people on campus wouldn’t know about you? That I go to Coquette… a LOT hahaha


Nicole is a junior studying nutritional biochemistry and psychology. She soon hopes to obtain a driver's license, because she will cry if she has to carry around her passport for much longer.