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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carthage chapter.

In college, one of the most common conversations heard around campus are about relationships or finding the perfect partner. Relationships are great, however, it’s always okay to be single. Just as it’s not bad to be in a relationship, it’s also not a bad thing to be single. Here are three reasons why.

You can focus on yourself

Being single allows you to focus on yourself. Students tend to have very limited free time, if you’re single, you can use that free time for yourself instead of trying to find every free second to spend with a significant other. College is a time to truly find yourself and your passions, and being single can help you learn new things about yourself. Use the time to find hobbies that you love, find your dream job, try new things, and just be adventurous. Instead of complaining about being single, make the best of it and use it to your advantage to figure out who you are.

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You can spend more time with your friends

The time that would typically be spent with a SO can now be focused into really getting to know your friends. There are way too many college students who lose friends because they ignore their friends whenever they’re in a relationship. Take the time to hang out with your friends and make new ones, so that when you’re in a relationship, you don’t forget about them. Your friends are going to be the people to always have your back and point out when a SO isn’t treating you right, so don’t lose those friends over a relationship. You might not find your future spouse in college, but you might find your future bridesmaids.

You can focus on your schoolwork

You’re in school for a reason, and that reason isn’t to find a partner. Use your free time to proofread that paper, to actually read that assignment, or to get a head start on studying for that final. Use your extra time to put more effort into your schoolwork or to give yourself a leg-up in the competition for your dream job. Use your time to do some extra credit or review your assignments a few times before handing them in to help boost your GPA. Putting that extra effort into your schoolwork now will definitely help you in the future.

Relationships are a great thing, and they can help you learn more about yourself as well. Adults around me and several professors have told me, my friends, and my classmates that college is the easiest time to find someone that has similar interests as you. So, go ahead and look for a SO, just don’t spend all of your time doing it. If you’re in a relationship, just make sure that you don’t forget about the people around you or the other commitments you have.

Whatever it is you’re spending your free time doing, don’t forget to be happy. Don’t let being single bring you down because being single can help you create lifelong bonds with friends or find the things you really care about. Don’t waste your time complaining about wanting a relationship—you’ll have one. Make the most of your time at college and stop worrying about relationships when you can make the best of your time being single.

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Sierra Eno

Carthage '19

Sierra is a junior at Carthage College majoring in Criminal Justice and minoring in Political Science. She loves dogs, pizza, cookie dough, and crime shows.