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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carroll chapter.

So, another Valentine’s Day spent alone. Pictures of couples fill your news feed all day with mushy, romantic posts as you sit alone on your couch eating ice cream pressing the “Yes I’m still watching” on Netflix.

But, so what? 

Yes, you may be spending your day alone while everyone else in a relationship is doing cute, romantic couple things and it may seem like you will never find love. But this is a great opportunity to not only focus on yourself but to celebrate the relationships you already have. Let me say it louder for the people in the back, you are not alone!

Celebrating your friendships with people who mean the most to you may just be one of the best ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day when you’ve got no bae. There are so many different things you can do to celebrate with your friends, from going out to staying in, the list is endless. Check out this article for some Galentine’s Day inspo from a fellow Her Campus writer!

Getting ready to go out with your friends and not have to worry about the pressures of it being the most ~romantic~ night is such a relief. You get to catch up with friends you maybe don’t have time to see during the week because of everyone’s busy schedules, and you have an excuse to dress up and treat yourself!

For all my single people out there, don’t have the Valentine’s Day blues this year – go out and celebrate Galentine’s, send your friends and family a Valentine, and, of course, treat yourself!

Have a favorite Galentine’s Day tradition or a fun way to spend the day? Send us your best ideas @ hc.carroll@hercampus.com to be featured on our Instagram or Facebook accounts! HCXO 

Sabrina is a junior at Carroll University studying communication and marketing. She is the Campus Correspondent for HC Carroll in addition to being involved within her sorority and an academic mentor on campus. Sabrina is an avid coffee drinker who LOVES finding new local coffee shops. When she's not in class or at work you'll find her watching the sunrise or sunset any chance she gets, or hanging out with her friends quoting vines non-stop!