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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

Women empowerment can seem daunting. According to the Oxford Dictionary, empowerment is defined as the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one’s life and claiming one’s rights.

While the phrase and definition are straightforward, its global mission and large-scale impact can make it scary to approach.  Where do we start? And how can each of us individually make a difference?

While it can be tempting to focus on the big things first—dismantling the patriarchy etc, etc, etc… the truth is those goals aren’t attainable day-to-day, or maybe even ever. But there is hope. As women, we are daily faced with someone in need of encouraging and uplifting. In need of teaching and honing. In need of recognition and acceptance. The first woman we need to learn to empower is ourselves.

So, let’s focus inward. 

To empower yourself means taking control of the things you can. It means setting and identifying meaningful goals and then taking action to achieve them. What better time to do that than in this season of physical distancing and self-isolation?  Here’s a few tips to help your self-empowerment journey.

Get clean. 

We know the benefits and dangers of our ever-connected, social media filled world. With the extra time you may have in quarantine, take into consideration how your social media platforms make you feel. If it’s anything less than positive and lovely, then maybe it’s time for a cleanse. How you decide to take action is up to you. It might mean spending less time on the app, unfollowing accounts or muting certain people. Regardless of what the action is, the overall goal is to make sure social media is used to—you guessed it—empower. 

Check yourself. 

Right now, most of us are spending more time with ourselves and our family than ever before. So, check yourself. Do you speak kindly to those closest to you, including yourself? Confront your negative thinking. Speak highly of yourself and those around you. 

Think forward.

Remember this: quarantine won’t last forever. Not only will it help your mental health, but it can also help to fix your focus on the future. It’s more than just saying “When this is over, I’m never cancelling plans again!” Instead, think about what you’ve really been missing during this quarantine season. Is it coffee with friends? Working out at the gym? Going out for dinner? Start thinking about how you can be intentional about making time for these activities again. Create space for it. 


We’ve heard it said everywhere that these are unprecedented times, and it’s true. It can also be an unprecedented time of growth, if you let it. And remember, empowerment stems from self-respect. Treat yourself the way you would treat others and watch women around the world begin to flourish.

Journalist - Writer - Learner - Creative. Keenly interested in all things fashion, beauty and lifestyle.