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7 Study Tips That’ll Help Turn Your B’s Into A’s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Carleton chapter.

With the new semester in full swing and midterms fast approaching, it’s important as students to make sure that we are not just studying to survive but studying to succeed. Effective studying can be the difference between a B and an A and using the tips we show you this semester can easily become the best one yet. Follow these 7 tips and tricks and next thing you know you’ll have turned those B’s into A’s.

Have a Plan

Every class, good grade, and study session needs to start with one thing, A PLAN! This is probably the most important tip; it is not effective to just jump right into studying. You need to sit down prior to that and map out a plan. Planners are an excellent tool for helping you with this and making sure you don’t miss deadlines and always have an idea of what to be ready for next. Write down due dates, test dates, and what you plan to get done each day and then stick to the plan!

Take Breaks

It is easy to get caught up in everything you have to do and overlook the importance of taking breaks sometimes, but your brain needs them, and you need to remember that. A break does not necessarily mean a nap, exercise can be a great way to take a break because it gets you blood pumping and raises energy levels before jumping back into the books. Whether you decide to go for a run, take a fitness class, or just go for a walk, any amount of exercise gives your mind a break and more importantly a chance to absorb everything you have been learning.

Colour-Coat Your Notes

Get out your highlighters, coloured pens and sticky notes and get a little artistic with your notes. Don’t overdo it, if everything is neon nothing will truly stand out but use the colours to enhance and make important terms or concepts stand out. Writing is blue ink is also better for memory retention, points out Jim Davis, a professor of cognitive science at Carleton. So you can also use that tactic to ensure your notes are the best that can possibly be.

Study with a Buddy

This tip is subjective because everyone is different and studying styles can vary, but many people recommend studying with a partner. Explaining a concept to someone can actually help you better remember, so find a friend in each class and crack open a book together.

Use your School

Universities such as Carleton recognize the difficulties that we as students face and they offer services to help each student succeed. Many of the more difficult classes with higher withdrawal rates offer PASS services lead by someone who has previously taken the course and received an A. PASS gives students a chance to work in groups, and apply the concepts taught in lectures, as well as take mock exams to prepare for the real thing. Use the services provided by the school because they are free and help enormously.

Get Healthy

A good night’s sleep and a healthy diet do more than you would believe in terms of helping you do better in school. Skipping meals and replacing sleep with coffee may seem like the only option but if you follow tip #1 and plan, sleep and a healthy diet can be achieved. Without these two things you can’t expect your body to ever fully replenish- and a body can’t do its best if it doesn’t feel its best. Eat some greens, drink tons of water, and go to bed fully fueled for tomorrow.

Get to Know Yourself

Remember that everyone is different and getting to know how you learn best is so crucial to studying effectively. Understanding how you learn allows you to focus your studying process. This does not need to happen in a day, but just keep it in mind when your studying and maybe you will start to notice what works best for you. Flash cards, videos, speaking aloud, studying in groups or alone- find what works for you and thank us when you get your next A!

Tia Riarh

Carleton '22

Fond of traveling. Enjoy a rainy day. Adore a good book. That about sums me up.