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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal U chapter.

The end of the semester is upon us. We can almost taste the freedom of summer. But, before we have that glorious taste, we are dealing with the bitterness of last minute cramming, homework and exams.

AKA: Stress and Anxiety.

But, through all of that, it’s important to take a deep breath and take a break. Taking a small 10-15 minute break can help relieve the stress and pressure of forcing yourself to memorize and write that 10-page paper. It is important to remember about your mental and psychical health too. You need to be the best you can for yourself before you can do your best for your school work and education. That is why these few study break ideas are significant to try out.

  1. Get up and move
  2. Have a healthy snack
  3. Take a power nap
  4. Listen to music – have a small dance party
  5. Exercise your eyes. 
  6. Try to meditate

Don’t get on soical media, because let’s be honest, 10 minutes will turn into and an hour and a half. And getting on Netflix will only lead to the complete of your current show and the start of a new one, and we probably don’t wan to know how many hours that will be.

It is important to take a few minutes in your busy scheudle to take a deep breath and relax. 

So, take a deep breath, do a little dance, eat a power bar and remember to do your best.