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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal U chapter.

On Oct. 14, Geraldine Jones was inaugurated as the California University’s seventh president. She was honored with a 90-minute ceremony in CalUs Steele Hall auditorium. The ceremony included a processional, welcoming speeches, and performances by CalUs gospel choir.

In the fall of 1968, Jones set foot in the same Steele Hall auditorium for her new student convocation.

“When I came to California as a first-generation college student, I wasn’t sure at first where I’d fit in, but I carried my family’s dreams, as well as my own, and I couldn’t let them down,” said Jones.

As Jones began to get more involved with CalU she said that she “never looked back”. Jones included in her speech that CalU had been the center of her life for 40 years and it remains that way today. Jones’s extensive history with the university includes being an undergraduate and graduate student, then in professional roles as a program director, dean, provost and now president

Jones also recognized that not only is she the first woman president the university has seen in its 164 years; she is also the first president of color.

In her inaugural address Jones gave some insight on her plans for the university. “We must adapt our teaching methods to meet the needs of an evolving student population. We must graduate students who are prepared to compete in a digital age, and who feel at home in a global society.” said Jones.

She continued to explain that the university will continue their committed focus to the STEM programs – science, technology, engineering and math. Jones also noted that CalU will continue to value the liberal arts programs at the university.

Jones plans to raise  $1 million  as a part of a “Rising to the Future” fund. She has made the first donation.

After the ceremony, roughly a dozen students and faculty stood peacefully outside Steele Hall dawning signs supporting the faculty union in the midst of negotiations this weekend to avert a strike. The strike is to start this week on Wednesday. Frank Brogan, chancellor of the state system, did not attend the inauguration as he had planned. Brogan remained in Harrisburg for labor negotiations.

We congratulate Geraldine M. Jones on her presidency and look forward to the improvments she will make to California University of Pennsylvania.

I am a undergraduate student, seeking a B.A. in English, concentrating in Journalism and Creativing Writing. I am the Campus Correspondent for Her Campus at California University of Pennsylvania (Cal U). I am the Social Media Officer for Alpha Lambda Delta. Additionally, I manage the social media for Cal U's Women's Studies Program where I am a work study student. I am a staff writer for the Cal Times and I also write frequently for Her Campus at Cal U. In the past, I have worked as a Social Media Consultant Intern with Someone To Tell It To, a non-profit organization based in Harrisburg, PA.