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Follower Detox: Taking Control on Social Media

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State LA chapter.

It seems that social media has consumed our lives. We post a photo that took multiple attempts to get just the right angle, and patiently wait for that notification that shows who liked your latest post.

Recently, I looked at the number of people who I follow and those who follow me. People I have not spoken to in years,  that I went to high school with, people I have met once or twice. As I browsed my feed I thought to myself, “Why do I follow these people, they aren’t relevant to my life”. It was then I decided to do what I decided to call a, “follower detox”. I went on all my social media and deleted people that no longer had a place in my life. I have to admit it felt good to delete the people who I frankly did not care about anymore. I came to the decision to not care about how many people follow me or how many likes my posts receive.

What matters is that I feel confident and happy with my posts. I feel better about myself now,  more at peace with who I am and who I want to become. So, for those who are struggling internally with self image, I encourage you go on a “follower detox”, you may be surprised at how much happier you can feel.


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Monica Tamayo

Cal State LA

  Just a TVF-Broadcasting major trying to make it in Los Angeles.  Lover of Target, boba milk tea and memes
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Kammile Whitener

Cal State LA '18

Film and Business Enthusiast. Love the best of both worlds.