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Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham in gilmore girls
Alexis Bledel and Lauren Graham in gilmore girls
Saeed Adyani/Netflix
Life > Academics

Embracing Your Inner Rory Gilmore This Midterms Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal State Chico chapter.

I can’t believe we’re already entering midterms season! While this time of the semester can surely come with some academic stress, I’ve developed a few unique study habits over my past four years at Chico State that have helped me confidently push through midterms and channel my inner academic role model – Rory Gilmore. If you haven’t watched Gilmore Girls (please start watching it immediately), just know that Rory Gilmore is the epitome of studious, hard-working, and if I must say it, “an academic weapon.”

Gilmore Girls walking through Fall Festival
Warner Bros. Television

Romanticize Your Studies

Okay, this one might sound weird at first, but hear me out. The thought of taking a long exam on Canvas or writing a ten-page paper worth half your grade is undoubtedly daunting. One tactic I use is to literally glamorize the time I spend studying and the overall experience. Whenever I’m studying or completing an assignment, I light a candle, fill up my room with ambient lighting, and play Hogwarts music on YouTube in the background. If Harry Potter isn’t really your thing, search for some lo-fi beats, academia ambience, or look for background music/noise for your dream spot. Whether that be sitting in nature or an old, ancient castle with a rainy thunderstorm, I’m telling you there is a match for you. As a Swiftie, I also recommend Minnz Piano’s collection of calm Taylor Swift instrumentals.

Remind Yourself Why You’re Here

This is something I’ve recently started prioritizing a LOT more. It’s so easy to get lost in the many, many aspects of college expectations. During the times when it feels like the pressure is too high, remind yourself of that end goal – your degree. Think of Rory’s dedication to push through because of her ultimate goal of attending Harvard! Allow yourself the time and space to look at the bigger picture and remember that all of those papers, discussion posts, exams, presentations, etc. are NOT for nothing. I promise!

Use Meriam Library to Your Advantage

The quiet floor has been my absolute saving grace throughout college. Let’s be real, living with other people can make it really hard to focus sometimes. If you’re finding it difficult to complete your assignments at home, try hitting the library! The third floor, designated as the silent floor, is currently closed for the fall semester but you can still find quiet study spaces on the fourth floor or you can reserve your own private study space.

Reward Yourself

For me personally, incentives work every single time. Pick something that you love or have been wanting for a while, whether it be your favorite food, a movie you’ve been wanting to see, or a clothing item you saw on Depop. Set academic goals for yourself for the week and once you reach them, reward yourself for the hard work you put in! This is a great way to motivate yourself to study while also incorporating some self-care and self-love.

Marisa Cala-Keck

Cal State Chico '24

Marisa is the Founder of the Her Campus chapter at Chico State and served as the 2023-2024 President and Editor-in-Chief. A double major in English and Psychology, she is equally passionate about mental health and writing. She is an honors student, served as the 2022-2023 President of her sorority, Alpha Delta Pi, and has been on the Dean's List seven out of seven semesters thus far. Marisa has worked in a variety of mentorship roles on campus and currently assists students as an Academic Advising Intern. In her free time, Marisa loves spending time with her family and best friends, being around animals (especially her 3 cats and 2 dogs), binge-watching her comfort shows (the current top two include Pretty Little Liars and Gilmore Girls), reading novels, traveling, and singing! She loves Taylor Swift, spicy foods, Trader Joe's, Pinterest, and all things chocolate. After graduating this Spring, she plans to move to New York to earn her master's degree before pursing a career in the field of education, through which she aspires to reframe health and sex education programs to be more inclusive and to open in-school conversations surrounding mental wellness.