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Someone Needs to Start these Clubs, For the Sake of Everyone

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

As Cal Poly students, we are granted the opportunity to join a plethora of clubs. Whether you want to gain some extra experience in your field of study, hit up music festivals and concerts with other SLOmies or lend your support to an organization you’re passionate about, there’s most likely something for you. And even though we already have over 300 active clubs, there are a few NOT on the list that really, really should be.

1. Sunset Tours Club

One of the world’s most beautiful sights to see is the sun slowly sinking below the horizon, so why not have a club that takes you to different areas around SLO to enjoy just that? It’s no secret that sunsets have an extraordinary ability to give everyone deep feels, but they also create the perfect setting to bond with other mustangs (and maybe even spend some cozy time with your SO). Imagine sitting on the peak of Bishop, or atop the Pirates Cove cliffs while admiring the sky painted in vivid fuchsia and salmon? I think yes.      

2. Make em’ Smile Club

The name may give it away, but YES this club would be all about people spreading happiness in a way that cannot be tamed. Why not create a group that’s all about creating thoughtful, kind or funny notes to place around random spots throughout campus? Something to inspire people, give some encouragement for the day or simply bring a smile to someone’s face. Let’s not act like college is always rainbows and sunshine, the stress can be a bit too much to handle sometimes. We could all use something to change our perspective every once in a while, even if it’s a simple note. So brainstorm your funniest jokes and most inspiring tumblr quotes in hopes this club becomes a thing.  

3. Holiday Club

The greatest way to get excited for your favorite holiday is by basically drowning yourself in any and every activity that has to do with it, right? Fall would not be the same without indulging in some classic Halloween-inspired activities like: watching Hocus Pocus, carving a pumpkin or singing a little too hard to “Monster Mash.” And what’s winter without making a cute a** ginger bread house, trying to hit Mariah Carey’s notes in “All I want for Christmas is You” or drinking something peppermint-y as you watch the Grinch grow a heart? We NEED a club where we can do all these amazing things the Holidays have to offer, or some of us might go crazy.

Even with the large list of clubs already on campus, there are so many others that need to be added to the list! The good news is we all have the opportunity to start our own new clubs, so start brainstorming and submitting proposals to ASI so we can have even more reasons to love Cal Poly.