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Instagram Accounts to Follow for a More Body-Positive Feed

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Social media can be a huge part of our daily lives, and the content we see online plays an impactful role on our mental health. As such, it is important to follow accounts that encourage positive thinking. Here are just a few women posting body-positive content to check out!

I Weigh

I Weigh is an online community started by The Good Place actress Jameela Jamil. It is meant to remind people on the internet that you “weigh” so much more than a number on the scale. 

Megan Jayne Crabbe

Megan Jayne Crabbe’s instagram page is filled with reminders to her followers that whether they fit into the beauty standard is not reflective of their personal beauty. She also shares her own body positivity journey, which she detailed in a book

Laura Iu

A registered dietician and nutritionist, Laura Iu provides inspirational posts about positive ways to think about food and health. Her resources could be helpful to those recovering from an eating disorder or anyone who needs some positive wellness reminders.  

Stephanie Yeboah

For fashion inspiration, check out Stephanie Yeboah! She blogs about her experiences and even wrote a popular book, “Fattily Ever After” detailing the discrimination she has encountered both from being a Black women and from being plus-sized. 

Alex Light

Alex Light is a content creator whose account focuses on “body confidence & anti-diet culture, helping women feel better about their bodies, eating disorder recovery, and beauty” as she states in her bio. She often posts side-by-side photos of her wearing the same outfits as mainstream models, showing that women of all sizes can look amazing in their clothing. 

Anyone who looks like you!

Representation is so important, but it can be hard to find diverse body types in the general media. Following models, brands, or influencers with similar body types to you can help boost your confidence and introduce you to more beautiful women like you!

Next time you open Instagram, choose to follow these or any accounts that make you feel happy and good about yourself. Having body positivity is crucial and even the smallest changes, like following new instagram accounts, can make a difference. 

Emi Nishida is a fourth year English major with Linguistics and Child Development minors from Irvine, California. She serves as Editor in Chief for Cal Poly’s chapter of Her Campus. Other than writing, her passions include music, dance, romcoms, anything arts & crafts, and exploring the outdoors.