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How to Make the Most out of Your Instructor’s Office Hours

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

The idea of going into office hours can seem daunting.

You already have hours of class every day, and homework and extracurriculars on top of that. Spending more time on campus isn’t something we’re all excited to do, but utilizing office hours can give you the edge needed to earn higher grades in your classes, and developing relationships with your instructors can pay off when it comes time to finding internships and jobs. Here’s how to make the most of your instructor’s office hours:

1. Come prepared. Make a list of questions you have before you come in so you can get the most valuable information from your instructor. If you don’t know what questions to ask, they can’t help you.



2. Don’t whine. If you’re frustrated with your grade, a deadline or the way they’re presenting something, explain yourself calmly and constructively. They’ll respect your maturity and be more likely to consider your requests or suggestions.

3. Go early in the quarter. Sometimes when you’re confused, it’s easy to assume you’ll somehow figure it out by the end of the quarter, (I know I’m guilty of this denial-procrastination habit…) but that’s not a good backup plan. If you pop into your teacher’s office hours early on, they’ll put a name to your face and it’ll assure them that you’re willing to put in the extra effort to learn the material and earn a good grade.

4. Make an appointment. Office hours can get cray-cray if they’re only available a couple hours a week, and every student in their class is lined up outside. Email them or speak with them after class to set up an individual appointment. You’ll get one-on-one time with them to answer your questions and help you out.

Hannah is a sophomore at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA. Besides writing, she loves running, Thai food and making ridiculously unaffordable collections on Wanelo. Hannah is obsessed with The Walking Dead, old Disney movies, Ed Sheeran and wasting time on Photoshop. She'd like to point out that she can't sing or dance, but will, because that's when it's the most fun, especially when the songs are from "Les Miserables." Follow her on Twitter @joslin_hannah and Instagram @hannahmichele8