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How to Get Over Heartbreak

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

What do you do when the going gets tough? Keep going.

This article is for any girl (or guy) out there going through heartbreak. Plain and simple: it’s hard. The world feels as if it is caving in and the light at the end of the tunnel is dim and far away. But the only way to get over heartbreak is by letting your heart actually break — and then putting it back together.

But remember it’s okay to not be okay. You have every right to feel the way you do. It’s also important to realize you’re the start of your new beginning. Only you can heal your heart and mend it back together.

You can get to the point where you can successfully continue on with your life without that person. Success should always be measured by your own standards. Starting with these two simple steps, you can work on getting back to feeling like yourself!

Grieve your loss

First and most importantly, you have to let your heart break. Be completely honest with yourself each step of the way. Some days will be harder than others, and that is okay. While one day you might feel better, the next day you might want to do nothing but stay in bed all day. Honor these feelings. In order to get better, you have to let these feelings run their course. Be strong.

Focus and commit to yourself

Heartbreak is a very personal thing. Your heart has a history, and now is the time for you to understand that history. Learn how to better protect your heart and how to let things go.

Other things can and will occur that may shatter your heart to pieces, but be brave. Accept it. It only means you are human and you are brave enough to live and love!

You are given an opportunity to heal and create a brighter self-identity. You can create a better future. You are strong enough to do so.

It is important to create a long-term relationship with you. You’re literally stuck with yourself for the rest of your life, so you might as well focus on what you can do to improve that relationship!

At some point, you have to find a way to move on without the other person — exiting the grief stage and entering the “you” stage. Accept that your life is changed because they are gone.

While that last sentence might have been harsh, recognize you have committed to the kind of love that conquers all: self-love.

You can’t always control what happens in life, but you can choose your attitude. Sounds pretty scary, huh? It can be for a while! But you will realize how powerful your heart is. Your heart is fragile and may break, but it always comes back stronger, ready for another risk.

I will leave you with some wise words from my favorite Disney show, Wizards of Waverly Place.

“You are one heartbreak closer to happily ever after.”

Have faith in yourself and your future. Your heart will love again, I promise.

Samantha is a second year journalism student at Cal Poly. On campus, she is a staff writer for the Mustang News, editor for Her Campus Cal Poly, a board member on the American Marketing Association and plays intramural soccer. She loves to write, wear pajamas and re-watch episodes of The Office on Netflix. She aspires to have a career in broadcast journalism or law and hopes to someday travel around the world.
Kayla Missman is a sophomore studying journalism at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Beyond serving as Campus Correspondent for Her Campus Cal Poly, she works at Mustang News, the college newspaper, as a reporter and copy editor. Follow her on Twitter @kaymissman.