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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

Dear Valentine’s Day, 

It’s the dead of winter and the Natural World is shifting towards a season of rest. While this shift is not often acknowledged by modern society, it’s okay to allow yourself to step into a reflective state of inwardness during this time. These winter nights can be cold and somber, often leading to melancholic dreams, but on this dark February night, I choose to delve deeper into the glimmer of hope on the horizon: my love for Valentine’s Day. 

I know this can be a controversial holiday but, whether you love or hate it, this day brings an opportunity to focus on all the love in your life! Sure, people may associate this holiday with romantic relations but it doesn’t have to end there; In addition to relationships, love manifests in many forms, including self-love, spending time with family & friends, and even connecting with spiritual entities. Love expands upon us all, showing up in places we might least expect it. Valentine’s Day brings forward all of the light in our lives–a reminder we deserve. Especially amid busy schedules, setting aside time for things we value is important for our overall well-being. We deserve to shower ourselves and those we love with affection and care.

Plus, cue all the cute decorations and themed snacks! Don’t take for granted the simple pleasures of life. There are many ways to embrace this: make heart-shaped pasta with your roommates, craft fun Valentine Grams, go on a sushi picnic with your significant other, finally read that romance novel you’ve been wanting to, call your loved ones back home, or do all of the above! I love pulling out all of my heart-shaped jewelry and pink & red clothing, too. Collectively, we can all fixate on the warmth of the season and share it with one another.  

So, if you’re one of those people who hates the “day of hearts,” I recommend taking a different approach this Valentine’s Day. Use this time as an opportunity for inward reflection, focusing on all of the love in your life and appreciate the romanticization of it for a moment.  


Jenna Dierkes

Jenna Dierkes

Cal Poly '25

Jenna is a third-year student at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo majoring in English with a Media Arts minor. She is currently involved in the Mustang Film Society as a social media coordinator and an Editorial Writer for Her Campus.