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5 Ways to Rock Your Next Interview

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

1. Do your homework.

Take a few minutes before the interview to research what the company does. It sounds like a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised at the amount of people that go into interviews having no idea of what they’re even interviewing for. Having a solid background about the company will prepare you to answer possible questions they may ask you, and knowing that you prepared ahead of time will put your nerves at ease!

2. Dress to impress.

It might sound superficial, but an applicant that shows up to the interview with wrinkled clothes, an ill-fitting blazer and messy hair will probably be overlooked. Take extra time before the interview to carefully pick out a professional-looking outfit. (Some links at the bottom are some helpful websites that demonstrate what you should and shouldn’t wear.) Add finishing touches to your look: straighten your hair if it’s unruly, or throw on a belt that pulls it all together.

3. Perfect your handshake.

As minor as it may seem, starting off strong can only help you with the rest of the interview. Have a firm yet graceful handshake and make eye contact when you’re first meeting the interviewer. If you’re seated while waiting for their arrival, stand up as they enter the room to greet them. If you show that you have confidence in yourself, the interviewer is more likely to trust that you know your stuff. 

4. Ask questions.

This is where doing your research will benefit you. If the company’s website has explanations of their various positions, bring up what you’ve read during the interview. It shows just how serious you are about that job, and in turn you get to learn more about what that job entails so that if you do get an offer, you can decide if it’s right for you.

5. Stay on topic.

Don’t discuss your personal life or anything negative about a previous job or boss. You never know who knows whom, and if you badmouth another company, the interviewer might assume that you will turn around and speak the same way about their company. Maintaining professionalism throughout the interview is key.

Hannah is a sophomore at Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA. Besides writing, she loves running, Thai food and making ridiculously unaffordable collections on Wanelo. Hannah is obsessed with The Walking Dead, old Disney movies, Ed Sheeran and wasting time on Photoshop. She'd like to point out that she can't sing or dance, but will, because that's when it's the most fun, especially when the songs are from "Les Miserables." Follow her on Twitter @joslin_hannah and Instagram @hannahmichele8