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5 Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables to Get Excited About This Spring

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Poly chapter.

During spring in San Luis Obispo the sun is shining, the hills are green and everyone is happy to be here. Spring has always been one of our favorite seasons because it brings with it a sense of renewal. We often find ourselves much more motivated to do things to better ourselves, like eating healthier. With a new season comes new fruits and vegetables to incorporate into our diets. Here’s a list of five delicious fruits and vegetables that are now in season.


1. Apricots

Full of vitamin A, vitamin C and antioxidants, apricots are the perfect snack this time of the year. Vitamin C is so important for immune health, and to prevent ourselves from getting sick, it’s essential that we are getting plenty of vitamin C. Apricots also contain Vitamin A that keeps our organs functioning and healthy. Because of this, they are classified as being one of the top 100 healthiest foods. A delicious way to eat apricots is sliced on top of oatmeal for breakfast or thrown in a salad, but they are also delicious on their own and make a perfect grab-and-go snack.


2. Asparagus

These spiky green stocks are full of Vitamin K, which is important for producing a protein that helps blood clots to form and prevent excessive bleeding, as well as strengthen bone metabolism. This protein also produces folate, which is necessary for tissue growth and cell function. Asparagus is also anti-inflammatory, meaning it helps prevent a variety of diseases including heart disease, diabetes and even some kinds of cancers. A great way to eat asparagus is sauteed with some olive oil, garlic, salt and lemon.


3. Cherries

It’s always exciting when spring rolls around and cherries are in season once again because they are only here for such a short time. Not only do cherries taste delicious, but they are rich in antioxidants that help the body fight infection. Cherries are also a natural sleep inducer because they contain melatonin. To get all the wonderful benefits of cherries, it’s probably best to eat them on their own, but we can’t help but think of cherry pie. What better way to enjoy cherries than to cook up a pie and bring it to a barbeque to share with all your friends.


4. Artichokes

Artichokes are an excellent source of b-vitamins, which are essential for helping your cells absorb nutrients and energy from the foods we eat. Artichokes help clear your body of toxins, boost your metabolism and may be linked to cancer prevention, according to Healthline. They are easy to eat because they’re like healthy, soft chips, but with fantastic nutritional benefits. You can pair them perfectly with any dip of choice.


5. Strawberries

Finally, we have strawberries. Strawberries are beautiful little vessels of vitamin C and manganese, which help regulate blood sugar and prevent disease. Strawberries are delicious eaten any way, but we love to mash a couple up with agave, maple syrup or honey and spread it on toast with almond butter. 


There are plenty of delicious fruits and vegetables you can get your hands on this spring. We hope you can find your way to Farmer’s Market this Thursday and pick up some produce because when you eat good, you feel good.

Emily Gassaway

Cal Poly '21

I am a second-year English major at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a minor in Child Development.