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Why You Should Start Making Your College Experience Fun

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

They always say your four years of high school were going to be your most memorable. Well, I disagree. For one, I graduated, and about half of my high school career was online. I barely returned to in-person at the end of my senior year, but that’s life. Oh well; I’ve gotten over how I felt about it and the experiences I missed out on. When starting my freshman year of college at California Lutheran University, I realized that it was my time to take back everything that I, unfortunately, missed out on. This was the first time I’d be away from home and in a new environment with many opportunities, so why not live it to the fullest? 

On my first day of college, I promised to take advantage of any opportunities that come my way, and I advise you to do so as well. Yes, we are going to school to further our education and obtain a great career, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy other things. College is a time for you to grow and learn about yourself through the experiences that you go through and the people around you. That is why I encourage so many of my friends and everyone else to make the most out of their college experience. 

You don’t always have to be studying and cooped up in your room. It’s okay to go out and experience a fun night. Take advantage of friends who invite you to dinner, go over to someone’s dorm for a change, or even explore a new place near your school. I have personally tried to plan at least one fun or different activity to participate in every weekend, whether it be big or small. This not only eases my stress but also reminds me that being a college student can be fun. You can even plan a fun day trip on a Saturday or see a concert on a Friday night to brighten up your school week. 

College is unique and can be a wonderful time, but only if you make it memorable. However, I’m not saying that you should go out every night and party until you can’t remember anything in the morning. Instead, I’m telling you to go out of your comfort zone, find the group of people that likes you for who you really are, and treat yourself to some fun things to do every now and then. Of course, education is still important and I know that whoever is reading this right now fought very hard to even have the opportunity to go to school. So don’t waste this opportunity to progress in your higher learning and find out your true passions in life. At the same time, don’t get so caught up to the point where you never go out or never have fun because you’re not even trying to truly live your life at that point. 

Experiences in college are so important to help you figure out who we really are. I’ve recently been obsessed with traveling, planning fun trips with my friends (both in and out of state), and saving up money to do fun things on the weekends. Because when am I really going to have the time after I graduate to do these things? I might not ever get the chance to say that I was 19 years old and went to New York City for the first time. So don’t be afraid to see the world for what it is during your college years. Find a super cool internship that goes well with your major, study abroad in another country, make a new community of friends, or even become an executive member of a club that reflects your personal interests on campus.  

All of these things I guarantee will make you the best version of yourself because your life journey is far from over. There is still so much to see and do out there and you shouldn’t let school or work stop you from living your life and having fun. But whatever you end up doing, wherever you may go, and whatever fun things you plan to experience, don’t ever go a day without being thankful for where you are right now, for what you have accomplished and obtained. Be sure to thank your friends and family who will always be there to support you through anything.

Olivia Madera

Cal Lutheran '25

Hi, my name is Olivia Madera and I'm a writer/editor for Her Campus Cal Lutheran! I'm majoring in communications (with an emphasis in journalism) and minoring in film/tv. I love to read, write, bake, and travel (especially to the beach)!