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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

“What am I going to eat for dinner?”  This is a question we all ask ourselves every night.  As college students, we’re looking for something that’s easy to make and won’t take a lot of time.  And something that doesn’t require weird and expensive ingredients.  

Lucky for you, I have some ideas.  They’re easy to make and taste great.  Your roommates will definitely be jealous.  

                                                               Photo Courtesy of Pexels

1.Rice Bowls

This is an easy one, and maybe my favorite of them all.  I just take a microwave packet of rice and put some toppings on it.  I’ll usually change the recipe depending on what I have but the recipe is as follows:

– microwave packet of rice

– chicken (pre-cooked and sliced, or not)

– bell peppers

– soy sauce

When cooking/reheating the chicken, I put either everything but the bagel seasoning (from Trader Joe’s, it goes great on everything) or just some salt and pepper on it.  It’s super quick and tastes delicious.  And you can be creative with the toppings, or not.  Once I put just salsa and cheese on top and it was delicious. 

                                                                Photo courtesy of Pexels

2.Pasta with Alfredo Sauce

This is the recipe you make when you have someone coming over you want to impress.  Or you’re trying to convince your parents that you can, in fact, take care of yourself.  Initially, I thought Alfredo sauce would be more work but it’s actually pretty easy.  Here’s how I make it:

– Heavy whipping cream (1 ¼ cups)

– Parmesan cheese (about 1 ¼ cups, maybe more)

– Lemon garlic seasoning (or salt and pepper)

First, you put 1 cup of the heavy whipping cream in a pan and let it simmer until slightly thickened.  Then add the parmesan cheese and remaining heavy whipping cream.  Stir together until combined and thick.  Then pour on top of the pasta and you’re done!

                                                               Photo courtesy of Pexels

3.Fancy grilled cheese

I know, you’ve made grilled cheese before.  But have you put a parmesan crust on it? Because that’s a game-changer.  Here’s the recipe:

– 2 slices of bread

– Sliced cheddar cheese

– Mayonnaise

– Parmesan cheese

Start by spreading mayo on both sides of both slices of bread.  I’ve found that this makes for a really nice toast and flavor on the bread vs. butter.  Then put cheddar cheese in between the slices.  Now you have to put some parmesan cheese on the side that will be facing down.  Sometimes cheese falls off, but not a lot.  One that side is down you can top the other side with cheese.  Wait until golden brown and then enjoy!


I hope I was able to put a spin on some well-known recipes and give you new ideas.  I think you can now impress your roommates, friends, family, etc.  Enjoy your dinner!

Bari Cashman

Cal Lutheran '21

Bari Cashman is a student at California Lutheran University. She is currently pursuing a degree in Marketing Communications. She is an avid reader and writer.
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