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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Advice. Guidance or recommendations concerning future action, typically given by someone regarded as knowledgeable. 

Her Campus Cal Lutheran has put together a team of students who have been through it all from nasty breakups, to roommate drama, you name it.. they have gone through it. Our team wants to find a way to interact with the campus and help give “advice” to those who need it.

Welcome to the Ask Gumby! Twice a month this blog will feature questions that have been asked by you! What makes this different from all the other advice columns is that you will not get just one opinion, but instead get three different view points on how to solve the problem. We understand that everyone is different so we want to ensure that we can provide multiple ways to solve or get through a situation. 

We will answer questions about ALMOST everything: love and romance, money, classes, sex, family, friends… I think you get the idea. Although, do know, that we have the right to choose to not answer all the questions if they deem unfit for the post.

Do know that ALL identities will remain anonymous and if we use any names, they will be changed for privacy purposes. Even the advice columnists will have no idea who the question was from. 

If you would like to see your questions answered on Her Campus Cal Lutheran’s “Ask Gumby,” fill out our questionnaire and we will answer your question as soon as possible.


What’s your question? ASK IT HERE!

You can catch Gumby (AKA The Enormous Luther) hanging out on the Spine at California Lutheran University.
Follow us at HCCallutheran on Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook!