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Wander with Me: Feeling Small

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Photo by Jeremy Vandenberg

Do you remember going on a plane for the first time? And that feeling of flying above the world like you’re on the outside, wondering what every shape and mound was that you saw below the clouds? That’s the first time I realized how small I am compared the world and how much I don’t know, as well as how much there is still to experience throughout life. Which is a truly exhilirating feeling.

This feeling is one that stuck with me from those first few times as a kid when I experienced that delicate perception of overwhelming wonder and astonishment – I have always said how much I love feeling small. As I continue to explore this unique feeling, I realize that this is an important emotion that we should always be chasing and always be curious about, and there’s a few reasons why.

First: feeling small in this sense can really put your views into perspective. You are a tiny person roaming around your tiny section of the world, trying to get through whatever life throws your way. Compared to the rest of the world, even if we are filled up to the brim with what seems like endless worries and anxieties, we’re still those tiny people. And when we realize this, we can understand that our problems and our stresses and our worries aren’t really THAT big. The world is big and we have so many more things to look forward to and get excited about than to let the small stuff get in the way.

Second: feeling small allows you to take yourself off that pedestal and understand that we are all people, we all have feelings, and sometimes we all just need someone that understands and relates to us. Sometimes we get so caught up in who we hang out with, what we’re good at, how great we look, and what others aren’t good at, that we build these unnecessary barriers between us and the people that we see as so different from our “perfect” selves. All in all, we are all those tiny little people in a huge world. No one person is that much greater than the next, and accepting this idea can lower the amount of judgments you may make towards others, and maybe increase the amount of compassion you feel for your peers. Or maybe you always see yourself below others, someone that will never be “good enough.” Realizing that even your biggest heroes are still just people can open your eyes to new possibilities and confidence.

Finally: feeling small gives you a sense of drive and motivation to do more, see more, and feel more. Exploring and seeing a new area that you’ve never been in before can feel so liberating and fulfilling, and it will leave you so excited for the next adventure as you think of all the possibilities. This can be so helpful in times of high stress, because you know that the second you get a moment to escape, you can go wander and see new places, new faces, and feel something new. Which is honestly so refreshing at times when it is really needed.

So, like blogger Jen Carrington said, “make yourself smaller so you can make yourself bigger.” Allow yourself to see the world as mysterious and unknown, so you can feel that desire to get out and see and learn as much as you can. Trust me, it feels good. And actually be careful because it’s seriously addicting! In my book, there’s no such thing as too much adventure.

Now take the long way home. Go find a nice hill to watch the sunset from. Drive into the city and find a new place to eat. Travel to the woods and get lost in the scenery. Feel the big world around you that’s at your fingertips, and remember: it feels good to feel small.

Where are you headed next?


xx Teigs

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