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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Since Halloween will fall on a Monday this year, a character sheet mask or a colorful mask are perfect for a Halloween night treat!

This Gold Mask from Elizavecca from Memebox has the perfect packaging to get into the Halloween spirit. Who wouldn’t resist this adorable, yet spooky piggy?  The product was a bit difficult to put on because I had to apply coats of it to get the gold effect. Also, there is a smell to this mask so, be careful while putting it around the nose area.

Here’s what it looks like on the face:

Wait for 15-20 minutes for the product to turn white. While waiting you can watch a Halloween movie, such as The Corpse Bride. Rinse it off and your skin should look brand new!

This character mask from Japan is mostly for fun but, it’s still effective! Wait for a good 10 minutes before taking it off. Leave your face alone after taking the mask off so your skin can absorb the liquid. If your face still feels oily after about 10 minutes, I suggest rinsing your face.

And, you’re done!

Thanks for reading and have a safe Halloween!

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Emily Yoshida

Cal Lutheran

Hi I'm Emily and Im a HCCLU Alum!         
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