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Skills You Don’t Use Every Day, But Need to Know

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Change a Tire

There’s going to be a day when you’re stuck on the side of the road, all alone, with a flat tire. Trust us, it’ll happen! Knowing how to change a tire is a basic life skill that everyone should know (yes, ladies, we’re talking to you too). If you don’t know how to change a tire, get someone to teach you, whether it’s a family member, a friend, or the people at the shop. Even though it might seem unlikely, once bad luck strikes, you’ll be lucky you set aside those 30 minutes.


How to perform CPR

Probably one of the most important skills to know considering it could save someone’s life! One day, if someone around you is in the need of CPR, you will be able to do something about it and not just stand around–you could save someone’s life. Don’t count on the others around you to know. Take matters into your own hands!


Parallel park

As a CLU student, this is a necessary skill if you wish to park close to class. If you are one of those people who drive around forever to avoid parallel parking, you should do something about it. One day, you won’t have any other choice, so to save yourself the time and a decent amount of awkward looks, you should practice or have someone teach you how to parallel park.


Basic understanding of a second language

Learning a second language in college can be a challenge, but you don’t necessarily need to be fluent to make yourself understood. There are a lot of countries where people have little understanding of English, so knowing a few phrases and somewhat grammatically correct sentences can get you a long way!


Remove stains from clothes

Knowing how to properly get a stain out of fabric can save you a few anxiety attacks. We can all relate to the extreme frustration of getting a stain on that brand new, white shirt that you put on for the first time. If I learned one thing from my mother, it is that no stain is too deep or too big. There are always ways to get it out, but it might take some trial and error to find the right one.


Operate a fire extinguisher

Don’t think further explanation is required. If there’s a fire, you should be able to use a fire extinguisher to put it out.


Basic geography

Everyone should have looked at a world map at least once in their life. This might sound incredibly obvious, but you would be surprised at how little some people know about basic geography. Having some common knowledge about the geographic placement of countries, regions, and even continents can save you from a few “palm-to-face” moments.


Wrap a gift

No one wants to give away a gift looking like you wrapped it with your elbows. Take some time to practice the art of giftwrapping. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but it should look like you put some effort into it.


Sew a button on a shirt

Knowing basic sewing skills can save you both time and money. Instead of investing in a new shirt, sowing the button back on is the easiest quick-fix. It also saves your mom the extra work.

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