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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

I have always liked kids. They’re always so cute and fun but I never really loved them enough to pursue a field centered around them…until now. This past summer I became a summer camp counselor at the camp that I grew up going to. It was there, to my surprise, I feel in love with working with children and shaping young minds and hearts. I decided to apply to be a counselor because that place was my home away from home and I have such fond memories going there every summer. I felt that it was my time to pay it forward. 

I was lucky enough to be placed with a bit of an older age group than I expected, I was placed with girls going into the 7th and 8th grade. When I heard that I was a bit nervous if I’m being honest. This is such a vital time in a middle schoolers life. They are towards the end of their middle school career and thinking about high school. I so badly wanted to be a role model for these girls and give them the best summer possible. But my nerves quickly faded away and the pure moments naturally started to form. My favorite moments were the ones where they were just telling me a story or asking for advice. I loved getting to know the amazing girls, but not only them, but all the kids I worked with. It was challenging at times, of course but so rewarding.

Realistically, it is not possible to change every child’s world and I had to be okay with that. But, I learned that if I changed just one then my job is done. So, now how do I tie my new found love for children in my current major and life plans? Juvenile rehabilitation possibly, social work perhaps. That question is still somewhat unanswered but one thing I am sure of is that if I make an impact on just one life, I’m content.

All photos are courtesy of the author.

Sophia Placencio

Cal Lutheran '22

Hi, my name Sophia Placencio and I am the HCCLU president! I am a senior at California Lutheran University majoring in Criminal Justice!
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