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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Are you sick of following the same old routine? Maybe you’re feeling lost and looking for a way to find more enjoyment in this beautiful life. Have you considered jumping out of your comfort zone and trying something new? I know that may scare some of us, but what is the worst that could happen? This year, I have devoted myself towards finding new hobbies, engaging in new friend groups, and facing my fears of failure! Here’s why you should do it too…

When the pandemic shutdown hit, I realized I had the opportunity to try new things. That’s where I found my passion in the fitness industry. I became super invested in my health and my physique. Of course, I was nervous at first because the gym environment was new to me, but that’s the beauty of jumping out of your comfort zone! You start with an idea, which makes you excited and passionate. You may feel anxious after starting it, but ultimately, these things lead to either success or lessons learned! Little did I know that this new hobby would lead me towards a career as a fitness instructor at a private gym. We may never know what our future holds, but living our lives to the fullest can bring so many good things!

Another piece I added to my life’s story was finding a new friend group. This was such a positive change in my life because I was able to rekindle friendships with old friends. If I hadn’t reached out, I wouldn’t have created the amazing memories I had over summer. I am so grateful for taking the risks I have and finding more enjoyment in my life.

On the flip side, something I took on and ultimately learned from was being a collegiate track and field athlete. While I enjoyed the events I did (the 400 meter hurdles is 10/10; brutal but fun), I ultimately didn’t continue my track career due to other priorities. The important aspect is that I tried it and learned a lot, from physical difficulty to the mental challenge of the sport. I realized that it was not something I wanted to continue in my future, but I am glad I had the experience I did. Jumping into new things, whether they are successful or not, will always form a lesson that can be passed on or learned from.

I hope I have inspired you to get out of your comfort zone and take on a new challenge! Think about how this moment could lead you towards something even greater! Build up your confidence and understand that you are completely capable of building a future that YOU want to pursue. Whether it’s going on a new adventure, taking a risk, or taking advantage of an opportunity when it presents itself… GO FOR IT!

Hannah Sewall

Cal Lutheran '25

Hi! I'm Hannah Sewall and I am the President of Her Campus CLU. I'm currently a sophomore, majoring in Marketing Communications.