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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.


We’ve laughed, we’ve cried, and we’ve laughed some more. Cal Lu Improv Troupe- which creates an acronym we can leave you to figure out, had the last show of the 2014-2015 school year on Thursday May 7th.

We bid farewell to five hilarious improvisers who have graduation fast approaching; Josh Summers, Alison Waxman, Nolan Monsibay, Kevin Schultz, and Cooper Smith. Throughout their years they have entertained the huge crowds of students who line up hours before the show, and sometimes even trample one another to find a good seat. You would honestly believe that One Direction was performing and the audience was 13-18 year old girls the way this process goes down. They have become stars of the school, and we here at CLU are forever grateful for our little dose of fun we all need after a stressful week of classes.

Freshman Kyla Wenzel says she absolutely loves improv, “The people are great and always make me laugh! I’m going to miss the seniors but I know next year will be great as well.”

As we sadly say goodbye to some of our favorite senior improvisers, we want them to know we will always remember them and their talent. And as we embark towards the coming years, we know the Cal Lu Improv Troupe will shine again and continue to provide CLU with a fantastic comical experience. We wish good luck to the seniors who move forward in their lives and enter the exult world, and look forward for what the future has in store for them as well as for the current students here at Cal Lutheran.

Here’s to an awesome year of Improv and CLU!

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