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The Most Involved Person I Know: Nick Steinwender!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Name: Nick Steinwender

Year: Freshman

Major: Double- Business Administration & Political Science

Hometown: Simi Valley

On campus Nick is known for being a part of Cal Lutheran organizations such as DSP, College Republicans, and Associated Students of CLU Government but off campus he is known for much more within his community. He is an intern for Congressman Steve Knight, as well as a member of the Simi Valley Neighborhood Council and Youth Employment Services. 

Nick became involved with the Simi Valley Neighborhood Council and Youth Employment Services when he was appointed by the City Council. The purpose of the Neighborhood Council is to advise the Simi Valley City Council on development projects, resident concerns, and other matters on which the City Council has specifically requested input on. He was one of the youngest members, if not the youngest, upon his appointment and was voted by the board to serve as it’s Vice Chair for a 6-month term. The purpose of the Youth Employment Services Advisory Board is to advise the City Council on issues involving youth employment in Simi Valley. Every year the board holds a career fair in which people in high school and college are encouraged to attend in order to participate in interview workshops, as well as the possibility of getting a job or an internship with a local company.

At the beginning of the year, when elections for Freshman Representative were occurring, Nick jumped at the opportunity. He ran against multiple other candidates, including yours truly, but amongst them he was the only male candidate. His campaigning and trustworthy persona resulted in him winning the election and obtaining one of the four positions. He always encourages students to talk to him or email him if they have any concerns or want to learn more about the organization or about what Senate does.

I asked him who his favorite President has been and he said it was President Ronald Reagan. He appreciated President Reagan’s methods of communication. He describes, “whenever he [Reagan] addressed the American people, they could feel a sense of comfort and trust that he truly cares and will get the job done right.”

Nick doesn’t have much free time but when he does he loves to spend it with his friends and family. He also loves spending time with his dogs, one of which he just recently got. A black lab named Reagan-what a surprise! Community services is another thing Nick makes sure to do despite his hectic schedule. The type of community service he enjoys doing the most is the kind in which he receives no recognition but rather does it for the community and the people.

Singing, writing, and photography are what I love to do.
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