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More Planet Earths Found?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

One of the greatest questions in Astronomy is whether or not humans are alone in the universe. With new, groundbreaking technology and telescopes, we may have new insights in regards to the possibility of alien life!

NASA has recently discovered a new “treasure-trove” of planets a mere 39 light-years away, and they are very similar to our own Earth! In this solar system, 7 Earth-sized planets orbit a dwarf star, and although the planets are very close to each other, they could possibly be able to support life due to the low temperature of the dwarf-star that they orbit.                                                                                         (photo courtesy of Photopin.com)

These planets are reportedly extremely similar in size to Earth and Venus. NASA researcher Michael Gillon compares these planets to “the moons orbiting Jupiter.” According to the The Telegraph, recent density measurements suggest that “the innermost six planets are rocky” and are “being warmed gently despite having orbits smaller than that of Mercury.” Basically, this may suggest that these planets may be temperate and could hold liquid water!                                                                                          (photo courtesy of Photopin.com)

NASA is crediting the Spitzer-Space Telescope, as well as eye level observations for the discovery of this new solar system. As new telescopes are under development, the answer to the questions regarding the possibilities of life elsewhere may soon be answered. So keep your chin up; next time a politician or public figure lets you down just remember-you could be out of here in a short 39 light-years!                                                                                          (photo courtesy of Photopin.com)

*all political references are not representative of Her Campus at Cal Lutheran University.

*Thumbnail courtesy of Photopin.com 

Erin Niemi

Cal Lutheran '20

Erin Niemi is a student at California Lutheran University and is pursuing her BA in Communication. When she isn't typing up a Her Campus article at a local coffee shop, you may find her at a concert, the beach or the movies! Erin is passionate about local news, beauty, science, sports, entertainment and music. She is also a huge Star Wars and MCU geek, and she will happily talk about either for hours if given the opportunity.
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