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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Name: Melissa Magdaleno

Age: 20 yrs.

Major: Business Administration

From: Whitter, CA

Relationship status: Single

Favorite song: “Yellow” by Coldplay

Favorite type of Music: Alternative

Favorite Starbucks: Frozen strawberry lemonade


Her Campus Cal Lutheran: How does it feel to be a campus cutie?

Melissa Magdaleno: Fabulous.

HC: Marvel or DC movies/comics?

MM: Neither. Sorry.

HC: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

MM: Teleportation so I could go wherever I wanted.

HC: We heard you originally were a Biology major. How difficult was the decision to switch majors?

MM: It came so naturally. Biology and Melissa do not get along. That is the easy way to put it. 

HC: What made you decide to become a Peer Advisor?

MM: So my freshman year I had an awesome peer group. I liked what it entailed. So I applied and I got it.

HC: What has been the best part about being a peer advisor?

MM: Ah. I think hearing students saying “you’re such a great peer” and the affirmation that comes with it. And also the friends you can make from the experience.

HC: What is your ideal first date?

MM: Shrugs. Just…I don’t know. Somewhere you can just be you. I am super awkward so.

HC: If there was only one Thanksgiving item you could eat for Thanksgiving dinner, what would it be and why?

MM: Stuffing because my mom makes this wonderful Italian sausage stuffing. I don’t eat turkey. I just eat stuffing.

HC: We have heard you have studied abroad. Where did you go?

MM: I went to Rome, Italy.

HC: What were three things you remember from the trip?

MM: Um nothing. JK. Just hanging in different piazzas with friends late at night. Traveling to other places. And the food!

HC: If you could play a musical instrument, what would it be?

MM: Guitar. Or just the ability to sing. Guys who play guitar are prime. 

My name is Marisa Shlichtman and I am attending Cal Lutheran University where I will be studying theatre and communications. I love anything about theatre and have acted and directed before. I used to play soccer and still love the sport though I don't play anymore. This magazine is the first magazine I have written for but it sounds like an amazing opportunity to get involved within my campus and try something new.
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