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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

I’m a firm believer that everyone will lose themself and find themself again throughout their life. Everyone goes through experiences that change and shape them for better or worse. When this happens, they then have to evolve and grow into a new version of themself. As a twenty-something, I’m just starting to see the ways that experiences change people; and how I will grow and evolve myself over time. This process is very personal and ever-changing. In this article, I will be discussing the lessons that I’ve been learning in this process and some of the tips on how to navigate the changes that come with it.

Don’t care about what other people will say: do what YOU want. 

It has taken me quite a while to accept that I’m different from a lot of people that I know and spend time with. Being different is not a bad thing. It can get frustrating when everyone in your group wants to do one thing, and you have no desire to do that. Learning to be okay with this is something that I’m working on. It is completely acceptable to go off on your own and do what you want if you aren’t comfortable or know you are not interested in what everyone else wants to do. 


  • Do things you enjoy alone sometimes. Doing this will help you know what you truly enjoy doing and what you might not be a fan of doing. Plus, doing things alone is a great way to leave your comfort zone. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. To start trying to do things alone, maybe go to a coffee shop you enjoy and sit at your favorite table with a good book. Or you could go to your favorite restaurant and enjoy dinner by yourself. You can people-watch instead of looking at your phone; enjoy your own company. If you receive a hurtful comment about doing things your way, it is okay to stand up for yourself and share that their words were hurtful. Holding in your emotions about how people talk to or about you does not make it easier to stand up for yourself. Be confident in who you are. 

Stay firm in your boundaries. 

It is one thing if you are uncomfortable leaving your comfort zone and another if you are uncomfortable because your boundaries were crossed. If you are not comfortable with something, be clear about that. I know it is stated often to not give into peer pressure, but seriously be very clear about what you do and don’t want to do. If you are surrounded by the right people, they won’t pressure you into trying anything you don’t want to do. 


  • It’s hard to sometimes stay firm with your boundaries when you are the youngest in the group. The best thing I’m learning to do is to continue to speak up if I’m uncomfortable with something.
  • Have a clear mental list of what may be too much in every situation, and listen to your instinct as the situation is occurring. 

Have fun

It is important to remember to have fun above all else. Stay true to yourself and do what you enjoy, and everything else will fall into place.

Madison Lucas

Cal Lutheran '22

I'm a Senior at California Lutheran University. My major is business management, and I love fashion.