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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Summer ‘22 was filled with new life experiences and fond memories. It can be hard for some of us to jump back into reality, whether it be into a new job or a new year in school. These tips may help in creating a smooth transition into the new season…

Start preparing ahead of schedule

Admit it… we all procrastinate. We hold tasks off to the last minute, stress ourselves out to the max, and then scramble to get things in order. Well not anymore! I noticed that keeping a physical calendar of all my important events and meetings has helped me not only plan ahead and start taking action but also visually notice when dates are due. As our summer comes to a close, we should take advantage of our free time and start marking things off the to-do list!

Learn how to manage your time

There may be times when life hits us. As a full-time college student, with two part-time jobs and the responsibility of leading a club, I have had to learn time management skills. This means delegating my time to what’s most important at that moment, without thinking about the other obligations I may have. Focusing on one thing at a time will help in managing your stress.

Find a support system

Going through change alone can be difficult for some. Finding support, whether it’s from your family, friends, co-workers, or even the girls within Her Campus may help ease the anxiety surrounding the new season. You will find gratitude through the encouragement of others.


No matter what life has thrown at you, you are about to enter a new beginning! Change can be an amazing experience once you embrace it. Now look forward to your bright future filled with unforgettable memories and accomplishments. 

Even though Summer 2022 was one for the books, I am excited about what this semester has in store. By taking these steps, you may find joy in starting a new chapter in your life. Let’s begin to live in the moment.

Hannah Sewall

Cal Lutheran '25

Hi! I'm Hannah Sewall and I am the President of Her Campus CLU. I'm currently a sophomore, majoring in Marketing Communications.