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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

Campus Cutie: Josiah Le-Doux Hayes

Age: 19 yrs

Major: Exercise Science

From: Denver, CO

Relationship Status: “Single AF”

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Restaurant: Anything with pizza.

Favorite Starbucks drink: Venti iced caramel Macchiato with two shots.


Her Campus Cal Lutheran: How do you feel about being a campus cutie?

Josiah Le-Doux Hayes: Feels Fantastic.

HC: What is your dream car?

JH: Probably a royal blue Pagani Huyura.

HC: Who is your favorite video game character and why?

JH: It would have to be Master Chief. He has this ‘get it done’ attitude.

HC: Why did you become an RA?

JH: I became an RA because last year I was told I had the stuff for the job by my RA Diana Garcia. Plus any job where I get to talk to people and hang out with them is cool.

HC: What is one thing you want everyone to know about Pederson?

JH: It is probably the best place in the world. It has the chillest people and I have a cool boss. Shout out to Eddy!

HC: How long have you been playing soccer? What’s your position?

JH: Good question. Technically, I’ve been playing since 1st grade. Then I took a break for 6 years after the spring of 6th grade year. Last year, I started playing again. As for my position, I used to play as defender but I am now a right mid fielder.

HC: What is your ideal first date?

JH: It would either entail dinner and movie or dinner and a campout. If we did a campout, it could be anywhere from the hills, mountains, or the beach. Beach campouts are the bomb.

HC: What is a secret about yourself no one knows about? Until obviously right now?

JH: That no one knows about… (Laughs). I can’t think of one. Everyone should know them. Or at least one person should.

HC: If you could be on any TV show, which one would it be?

JH: Man Vs Wild with Bear Grylls. Because I’m not in the wild a lot and it is my favorite place to go. The show would be tough on myself. It would be a challenge and enjoyable. All of this is packed into one. And a spending the day with a guy who speaks with a British accent would be a good day.

HC: Describe your proudest moment with soccer at CLU.

JH: Hmm…I think when we tied at the alumni game. It was fun even though I haven’t met all of the alumni. It was fun watching my coach get flustered during the game especially since he is usually so calm.

HC: What activity have you always wanted to try?

JH: Sky diving. Everyone says it is dangerous but I want to try it. 

HC: Who is you favorite superhero?

JH: Flash. He’s stronger than you think he is. He is undervalued. He has this positive outlook and is always there to crack a joke when you need him. Even sometimes when you don’t need him to.

My name is Marisa Shlichtman and I am attending Cal Lutheran University where I will be studying theatre and communications. I love anything about theatre and have acted and directed before. I used to play soccer and still love the sport though I don't play anymore. This magazine is the first magazine I have written for but it sounds like an amazing opportunity to get involved within my campus and try something new.
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