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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

This week Her Campus Cal Lutheran had the honor of sitting down and getting to know Jewel Soiland! Learn all about her; from who her role model is to what she has on her bucket list!

Name: Jewel Soiland

Major: Spanish

Year: 2017

Hometown: Petaluma, CA

Relationship Status: Single

Nicknames: Spanish, yes someone calls me Spanish.

Favorite Candy: Milk Chocolate with Almonds

Favorite Spot on Campus: Somewhere peaceful, quite, in nature. No particular spot.

Favorite Color: Olive Green

Favorite Drink at Starbucks: Java Chip Frappuccino

Favorite Quote: “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” –Isaiah 40:31

Her Campus Cal Lutheran: What are you involved in on campus?

Jewel Soiland: I’m involved with Debate Team and Ballroom Dance Club. I’m a Spanish Tutor and also proctor Language Placement Exams.

HC: Describe yourself in 3 words.

JS: Industrious, Friendly, and Stubborn.

HC: How would your friends describe you in 3 words?

JS: Intelligent, Funny, and Compassionate.

HC: What is your idea of a perfect date?

JS: Go for a walk somewhere, but it has to be an entertaining walk. My top thing is quality time! For me it’s just spending time together, just being together that’s good.

HC: Who is your role model and why?

JS:  My grandpa because he is a super hard worker, he has dedicated his life to god and serving others, and improves things around him. He is also a very generous and giving man; he’s been involved with this school [Cal Lutheran] for forty years. So he is definitely a role model just because he’s a family guy, hard worker, Christian, and has always been very encouraging and supportive of everything I’ve done.

HC: So your last name is Soiland, are you related in any way to the family that many buildings and areas on campus are named after?

JS: Yes, most of the things named Soiland on campus are named after my grandpa, Marv Soiland. There is one thing that is not, and that is the courtyard between Rolland Stadium and Gilbert; that is named after my aunt and uncle. But everything else is named after Grandpa. I’m the 9th person in the Soiland family to attend this school and my sister, next year, will be the 10th.

HC: You’ll be studying abroad next semester, where are you going and why did you choose that country?

JS: I’m going to Valencia, Spain. I’ve always wanted to study abroad; I want to travel the world. I would have gone to South America, but it’s not Europe and I want to go to Europe more. Otherwise, I probably would have gone to Argentina.

HC: You mentioned you are a Spanish major, what do you want to do with that?

JS: I want to teach high school Spanish. I like grammar!

HC: What are 3 things on your bucket list?

JS: 1. Travel the World, 2. Publish a Book, 3. Buy an Island  

HC: If you had to listen to one song on repeat for the rest of your life what would that song be?

JS: Hello by Adele, because I currently like it a lot and I’m not sick of it yet.

HC: If you were an ice cream flavor, what flavor would you be?

JS: I would be Jamocha Almond Fudge, it has coffee flavor which I love, and chocolate flavor which I love, and Almonds and I love them!

HC: What do you do in your spare time?

JS:  I ballroom dance. I especially like West Coast Swing. I also like to sing and write stories.

HC: What are you passionate about?

JS: I’m passionate about a lot of things. You could say I’m a passionate person. I’m passionate about debate, ballroom dance, being a kind person, imagination, God, and about all things Spanish!

HC: How do you feel about being nominated as a Campus Cutie this week?

JS:  I’m flattered!

HC: Anything else you’d like Her Campus readers to know about you?

JS:  I was homeschooled. 

Brittany is a junior at Cal Lutheran and a History Pedagogy Major. Her hometown lies in the heart of Minnesota, in Elk River. She's a member of the Women's Swim Team at Cal Lu and loves the sport. She's an aspiring educator and hopes to one day be teaching abroad. She enjoys Zumba, traveling, and watching the Food Network.
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