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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Cal Lutheran chapter.

With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, you can’t help but notice the distinct red and pink visage of glitter hearts and expensive chocolates that have popped up in what seems like every aspect of life: from the millions of Valentine’s DIYs on Pinterest and incessant commercials on TV to your mother asking when you’ll find that “special someone”. Let’s be real: Costco has had Valentine’s Day decorations up for months now, so there’s no escaping it.

February 14th is a time for those who share their life with a significant other to go the extra mile and show them they truly care. But for those who are single, the distinct color palette, abundance of rose bouquets and cutesy gifts that accompany the holiday only remind them just how single they are or may feel. There’s no denying that having a solid group of friends, or squad as they say, makes life a little more fun and exciting. You always have a family-that’s-not-your-family to experience the ups and downs of life, so what better way to spend Valentine’s Day than with the friends you care for most. The FRIENDS crew is here to teach you the importance of having a solid group of friends on this infamous holiday, much less in life, because they’ll be there for you.

Friends help you learn that it’s okay to not have things figured out.

Adulthood is difficult, and means different things to different people. Friends teach you to enjoy the life that you were handed, to make the most out of every situation, and to roll with the punches. Not having things sorted out early on is okay, but a solid group of friends can teach you the importance of taking hold of your own happiness.

Friends teach you the importance of independence.

There’s someone out there for each of us, but finding your own meaning of independence is important too. Your crew teaches you how to not sweat the small things, place importance on the big things and take proper care of yourself. Your friends are there for you, but they help you learn how to be there for yourself.

Friends teach you to never judge too quickly.

Too often we make presumptions about others before getting to know them, and if there’s anyone that would put you in your place it would be your group of friends. Not judging others is harder than it sounds, but Friends will also show you the importance of not caring about being judged, either. Everyone is smart in different ways, and deserves to be treated as such. Showing love to those around you is the best gift you could possibly give on this Valentine’s Day.

Friends teach you to never stop trying.

No matter how much life may suck at the moment, your friends will be there for you, and they’ll hold your hand through the entire thing. They push you to do your best, care about your successes, and don’t judge you for your failures. Friends will encourage you to make the most out of life, and will be there for the ride.

Most importantly, friends teach you how to truly love others.

Love means honesty, love is goofiness, and love is unconditional. Your friend group is your non-biological family, and just as you need your family for support, your friends need your love too. On this day of love, show them that you truly care about their friendship and let them know just how much they mean to you. Chances are you mean a great deal to them, too.

On this Valentine’s Day, I encourage you to show your “squad” just how much you love them. They’ll be there for you through the good times, the bad times, and everything in between. Now that’s true love.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Bowdoin '17

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